26 July, 2009

i'm going

A'kum n ello.

k now.
i'm going.

to the place that is called 'singa-pore'


1stly,no,i don't want to be face-to-face with the players.the encounter with jaejin last time is already enough for me to humiliate myself.

it's lucky already that jaejin doesn't know english.

imagine: alia meet torres on his way to the toilet.

instead of saying hi to torres,maybe i'll say "here,a water bottle.there's no water inside the loo". if he say he don't wanna,you can guess something is dirty.hahahahahaha.

or maybe i'll just say "TORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRESSSSSSS!!!!!" with a camera.haha.

oh seriously.
stop imagining.

let just have some fun.haha.ta then!!!!
wish me have a safe and smooth journey.


p/s: i need to teach my sis the torres' song.

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