A'kum n ello..
so now.
this is the post about the concert.
hey yo.
i know you really want to know what really happened in the concert.so i'll try to blog everything that i remember.haha.
20th MARCH 2010.
to tell you the truth,i didn't really feel anything significant about the day. i was like "ok.me got no voice.and i have Super Junior concert to attend.i can't even shout and all" yada-yada.
tho 2 hours before the concert, i felt "OH MY GOD! SUPER JUNIOR!"
and so around 5pm, i waited for aqilah to pick me up.haha.like usual, she was late,for 30minutes.
btw, i went there with Aqilah, AhHin and Miezah,a microbe mate of mine.
this was the time after the concert.
anyway, we took off around 6pm,and then, we arrived Bukit Jalil Stadium around 6.35pm.
bcos of my condition, i.e lose my voice, i told AhHin to bring some water for me. and so she brought it. i thought, we are not allowed to bring any camera,but we can bring any drinks cos last time at DBSK's concert,they didn't let us bring any camera,but let us brought the water.however, Bukit Jalil was the opposite.they let us bring the camera,but not the drink.we had to buy them inside.
maybe that's the difference between Merdeka Stadium and Bukit Jalil Stadium anyway. the security at Merdeka Stadium was tighter than Bukit Jalil,so this concert was good cos we could bring the camera.hoho.SM Entertainment was nice on this day.haha.
so we entered the stadium.
it was quite big.and our seats were near the stage,not very near,but we still could see the boys clearly. but still,if only we got the front seats cos maybe,just maybe,we could touch and grab Siwon's abs or Shindong's chubby cheek.haha.
so the suppose time for the concert to start was 7pm.so yeah,it did start at that time.but it wasn't from Super Junior tho,it was from this Chinese Malaysian group(found out it was Thomas&Jack.still dunno them).they were the opening act and wow they're good in dancing. and then,another opening act from this one guy. he started to sing,and then,aqilah asked me "erm,dia nyanyi dalam Malay ke?" and yup, that guy sang in Malay. and we were like "who is that guy???anybody know???" guess the people around us are true korean fans,cos seriously, nobody even know him.(found out,he is Iqwal.still dunno him)
forgot to show you this:
the logo of the concert from the screen.
see the crowd?
see that Liverpool fans there?
and then,suddenly,the crowd became noisier than ever. some RELA peeps lined up near the stairs that the fans for RM458 sat. so people assume that the Super Junior boys will appear at that stairs.
and yup.
they were right.
around 8pm, lights suddenly came off. fans were shouting like crazy. then the fans at my seat were shouting like crazy. aqilah started to shriek. someone was walking to the stage near us.
this stage.
and that guy who was walking to the stage was Yehsung.
yeah baby.
this guy here:
so,with my hoarse voice, i instantly shouted "YEHSUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
cool huh?
and then, i looked at the stairs,and instead of the stairs near me, i looked at the far side of me,cos the stairs near me was crowded with standing fans. and then i saw Shindong stood coolly at that stairs.
and then, plenty of the other members appear on the stages, and Aqilah was shouting when she saw Siwon.haha.
and i also lose my head when i saw Kyuhyun. yeah baby!!!
and AhHin shouted Sungmin's name like a mad fangirl.
and AhHin's friend(who sat beside her) was like a mad fangirl too.
and i tried to be a mad fangirl too,but my condition wasn't that great, so in the end i just jumped jumped and jumped like the stadium will maybe collapse cos the power of fangirls screamed their head off.
and then,it STARTED!
Yehsung who was the closest one at us was dancing, and we were like "WHOAAAAAAA!!!!!YEHSUNG!!!KP KIRIM SALAM!!!" and so on. seriously,we just scream and scream and scream.aha.
i dunno if i ever tell you this, but i don't even know half of Super Junior's songs. seriously.
but still, i tried to sing together. that's why miming exist anyway.
and forgive me if i didn't mention some of the songs, cos like you know, i didn't know some of their songs.
ok.back to the concert.
if i'm not mistaken, the 1st song was a dance song.the whole members were in the middle of the stage,and danced together.and being a citizen in country that 'dancing is not 100% supported',i was awed by 10 Korean men that danced together.

and AhHin shouted Sungmin's name like a mad fangirl.
and AhHin's friend(who sat beside her) was like a mad fangirl too.
and i tried to be a mad fangirl too,but my condition wasn't that great, so in the end i just jumped jumped and jumped like the stadium will maybe collapse cos the power of fangirls screamed their head off.
and then,it STARTED!
Yehsung who was the closest one at us was dancing, and we were like "WHOAAAAAAA!!!!!YEHSUNG!!!KP KIRIM SALAM!!!" and so on. seriously,we just scream and scream and scream.aha.
i dunno if i ever tell you this, but i don't even know half of Super Junior's songs. seriously.
but still, i tried to sing together. that's why miming exist anyway.
and forgive me if i didn't mention some of the songs, cos like you know, i didn't know some of their songs.
ok.back to the concert.
if i'm not mistaken, the 1st song was a dance song.the whole members were in the middle of the stage,and danced together.and being a citizen in country that 'dancing is not 100% supported',i was awed by 10 Korean men that danced together.
and again, we Malaysians and other fangirls love hot dance.
of course, we SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and then, they went to the stairs at the main stage. AhHin told me "diorang nak nyanyi lagu Neorago (It's You)"
and i was like "YES YES YES!!!!!!" cos seriously, that is my favourite song from Super Junior and i memorized that song more than Sorry Sorry.
and so they sang.
and i sang together with them and tried to copy some dance steps.haha.
then i realized that my throat are becoming painful but i tried to ignore that.
and then, the introduction started.
the screen showed each members' names and also their nicknames.
something like this:
it was pure fun! seriously. during this introduction, Lee Teuk tried to intro himself by doing this famous H.O.T's Candy dance,(check youtube) and the other members kicked him.haha.
and if i'm not mistaken, EunHyuk went to front and intro-ed himself,but then Donghae kicked him.(i'm really not sure who is who.was the Donghae the kicker or EunHyuk the kicker?)
and then,after all those intros,they went to the stairs again.and i think they sang another song,and my cutie Kyuhyun was happily singing....
the stairs~~~
Kyuhyun sayang~~
don't ask what the hell the 3 guys were doing.haha.
and something quite disturbing happened after that.....
so,they sang.and sang and sang after that. and i was trying to sing along but not too hard cos really, i love Super Junior and all, but don't think they'd like seeing a mute Alia for their next encounter right?
anyway,bcos Super Junior has 13 members and 3 were missing with action for the concert,and 10 still a big number for a group of handsome men, so, things were really easy for the fans after that. if DBSK has 5 members and they can only have 1 member at each part of the stage, Super Junior has plenty of members at each side of the stage. at my part, Siwon, Yehsung,Shindong,Heechul,Kyuhyun,Sungmin and Donghae always appeared. and now that i realized, i didn't really remember Ryeowook's face apart from his voice. oh wow.maybe bcos he isn't my favourite member even though he is so the cute one.
anyway, as plenty of the members love to come my side, something like these were HEAVEN~~:
Siwon and....Eunhyuk? Donghae? not sure.
Siwon such a gay with that hot abs and arms,but AhHin said "he's not gay,he just loves skinship"
ok.so.touch me and stay then.hahahahahahahahahahah.
i have to say that Shindong really is fat and Siwon has a hot butt.hahaha.
...and he also has a hot arms.......
and also a a good sense of humour.
and anyway, i didn't really remember what happen throughout the concert apart of the image of Siwon's abs and arms(and also his face cos he wasn't that hot at the face cos of his eyeliner),so yeah~~~
as i said,i really didn't remember many things. but i'll try to use the pictures to make me remember something,ok?
something like this:
i think this is the best picture that i snapped on that day.haha.
and Donghae danced with Eunhyuk.....
..and Eunhyuk showed his hotness.......
yes.yes.i easily excited.haha.
apart of Donghae's solo, there was also Ryeowook's solo.
he sang Wheesung's Imsonia. and it was quite nice that he sang that. but he got this woman with him. and he danced together with her. and that woman only wore this kind of not-ok clothes to wear at Malaysia,bcos if Beyonce see what that woman wear, maybe she'll try to tell the Malaysian government "what that woman can, and why i,the diva,couldn't?"
that woman quite a chubby person,rite?
more appropriate clothes after this,aha.
and after Ryeowook,it was Yehsung. he appeared out of nowhere and sang at the stage near us:
when he sang, Aqilah yelled "KP KIRIM SALAM!!!!!!!!"
which obviously, he didn't answer it.
the reason i took this was bcos i just wanna make some random shot,that's all.haha.
and also bcos Kyuhyun's butt look tiny in this.
and i got this from the screen.aha.
(btw,i'm confused.Yehsung sang after Ryeowook's performance,or before that.i'm not really sure)
and then,Kyuhyun,Ryeowook, and Yehsung sang together at the middle of the stage. they sang some songs from their sub-unit group,Super Junior KRY's song and it was nice.
and then, Sungmin appeared on the stage, and they sang What If (yeah,that is a Super Junior song,one of my favourite).
and so they sang at the center of the stage and that center was moving throught-out the song...
i snapped this cos of AhHin.
i snapped this cos of ME.
i snapped this cos this is my camera we're using here.
i snapped this cos if i have Kyuhyun and Sungmin, might i snap Ryeowook too.
and now that i have Ryeowook,better i took another Yehsung picture for KP.haha.
and then, they sang another KRY song.
then, another solo song,but from Leeteuk:
and yeah.he got 3 women with him. and he fake-kissed with one of them.aha.
and the fangirls were screaming like crazy.haha.
and then,another solo,from the beautiful Heechul. seriously, he was pretty!!! AhHin was laughing cos he got this ChunLi(from street fighter) hairstyle with him. and he was quite hilarious when he sang. he didn't has the best voice in Super Junior, but he sure can entertain. everytime he sang, he'd let out this HAHAHAHAHA laugh.seriously.oh, he sang the song with EunHyuk. AhHin told me that EunHyuk didn't has any solo, so he sang many rap parts.haha.
HeeChul and EunHyuk.
Eunhyuk with his mic.
HeeChul with his feminine figure.haha.
ok.by this time,my camera already appear it's 'RECHARGE' symbol.
and lucky aqilah's battery doesn't has the same problem.
ok.back to the concert. there was this part when Kyuhyun suddenly sang this kiddy song. if i'm not mistaken,it was a kiddy song. the intro was hilarious cos Shindong entered the stage as a baby.
...with that sucking thing in his mouth.haha.
again, i forgot what happened after that.
OH OH!!!
there was this dance, the COOLEST DANCE i ever seen. seriously. it was fantastic.aqilah told me that it was the same dance that Super Junior used at the MBC STAR BATTLE against 2PM. the dance was a mix of coolness,hotness,passion and humour.
see the dance here:
and then......
Super Junior M's performance.
i read some fan-accounts about the previous Super Junior concerts at Seoul, Shanghai and Taiwan. most of the fans were harsh towards the chinese members of Super Junior M, those are Zhou Mi and Henry. and fans blame them cos they think both of them are the reason why Hankyung wanna leave Super Junior. and so, to show their hatred toward this 2 chinese members, the fans from those 3 concerts gave a silent treatment when Super Junior M perform,or so i think.
however, during this Malaysia's concert, the Malaysian fans were supportive towards this 2 men, and the oversea fans lauded Malaysia fans behaviour because of this. you know,the oversea fans should thank me and aqilah. both of us nearly lose our lungs cos we were screaming like crazy when Zhou Mi appeared. seriously.
that guy is tall, handsome with that spec, charming smile and one hot voice.
if you korean,taiwanese and chinese fans don't want him, Aqilah and I want him. and i seriously hate sharing . haha.
that is a song from Super Junior's 3rd album.
i read from somewhere that the Malaysian fans got this plan to switch on this certain star-light during Shining Star,and that plan was the 1st plan that happened in the history of Super Junior concert.
so yeah.i never thought those kind of plan will happen tho.
cos seriously, it happened.
and it was so nice and sweet from the fans. seriously, it was cute. you can feel how much the fans,including me, love Super Junior very much. Lee Teuk cried during this song. and i heard Shindong and some others also cried to. maybe they never expect the fans will love them too much. this is a good thing cos seriously, i read somewhere that the fans from other concert screamed Hankyung's name in the concert,and HeeChul cried because of that. ok.that is harsh, ok fans?
anyway. the star-light thing was quite unexpected for the Super Junior members. while some others cried cos of the unexpected, a member of the Super Junior was curious of the light. some of the fans threw the lights on the stage, and the member, SungMin, took some of them from the stage, and played with it.
and lucky that he was sitting at the stage near me,so i saw his childish curiousity...
a video pop-up from the screen. it was about f(x).and i thought maybe f(x) would perform on that night. but i reminded myself, that f(x) was in Thailand for that festival thingy. and then, the video showed Super Junior members danced to f(x)'s Chu.....
and so, appeared there on the stage, 5 of Super Junior members that consist of Ryeowook(as Luna),Shindong(Victoria),Donghae(Amber), Eunhyuk(Krystal) and Heechul(Sulli).
and wow it was fun.haha.
they performed the song greatly, and Donghae as Amber was HOT!!! cos seriously, Amber is hot,baby! so no need to judge a hotness from a true man.haha.
oh, Heechul as Sulli was wacky. ok, Heechul really is a wacko. i dunno how could he not be tired. he seriously have many weird things in his head.haha.
after the performance, they sang some songs from Super Junior T,and one of them was Rokugo.and Rokugo was pure fun! haha. eventhough i dunno the lyric of the song, but if you know how to scream "ROKUGO,ROKUGO,ROKUGO MARHAEMAR!!" i don't think i have other difficulty than that.
and that time, other members appeared and Siwon was at our side, and aqilah took full use of his presence......

...with that sucking thing in his mouth.haha.
Shindong as the baby~~
Siwon as the lalat.haha.
OH OH!!!
there was this dance, the COOLEST DANCE i ever seen. seriously. it was fantastic.aqilah told me that it was the same dance that Super Junior used at the MBC STAR BATTLE against 2PM. the dance was a mix of coolness,hotness,passion and humour.
see the dance here:
and then......
Super Junior M's performance.
i read some fan-accounts about the previous Super Junior concerts at Seoul, Shanghai and Taiwan. most of the fans were harsh towards the chinese members of Super Junior M, those are Zhou Mi and Henry. and fans blame them cos they think both of them are the reason why Hankyung wanna leave Super Junior. and so, to show their hatred toward this 2 chinese members, the fans from those 3 concerts gave a silent treatment when Super Junior M perform,or so i think.
however, during this Malaysia's concert, the Malaysian fans were supportive towards this 2 men, and the oversea fans lauded Malaysia fans behaviour because of this. you know,the oversea fans should thank me and aqilah. both of us nearly lose our lungs cos we were screaming like crazy when Zhou Mi appeared. seriously.
that guy is tall, handsome with that spec, charming smile and one hot voice.
if you korean,taiwanese and chinese fans don't want him, Aqilah and I want him. and i seriously hate sharing . haha.
this is Henry..
this is ZHOU MI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
whoa yeah, come to me baby!!!
that is a song from Super Junior's 3rd album.
i read from somewhere that the Malaysian fans got this plan to switch on this certain star-light during Shining Star,and that plan was the 1st plan that happened in the history of Super Junior concert.
so yeah.i never thought those kind of plan will happen tho.
cos seriously, it happened.
and it was so nice and sweet from the fans. seriously, it was cute. you can feel how much the fans,including me, love Super Junior very much. Lee Teuk cried during this song. and i heard Shindong and some others also cried to. maybe they never expect the fans will love them too much. this is a good thing cos seriously, i read somewhere that the fans from other concert screamed Hankyung's name in the concert,and HeeChul cried because of that. ok.that is harsh, ok fans?
anyway. the star-light thing was quite unexpected for the Super Junior members. while some others cried cos of the unexpected, a member of the Super Junior was curious of the light. some of the fans threw the lights on the stage, and the member, SungMin, took some of them from the stage, and played with it.
and lucky that he was sitting at the stage near me,so i saw his childish curiousity...
Sungmin was playing with the light...
and oh.HeeChul sat near us.some of the fans threw some blue roses to him, and he took them. man, he surely loves feminine stuff.haha.
a video pop-up from the screen. it was about f(x).and i thought maybe f(x) would perform on that night. but i reminded myself, that f(x) was in Thailand for that festival thingy. and then, the video showed Super Junior members danced to f(x)'s Chu.....
and so, appeared there on the stage, 5 of Super Junior members that consist of Ryeowook(as Luna),Shindong(Victoria),Donghae(Amber), Eunhyuk(Krystal) and Heechul(Sulli).
and wow it was fun.haha.
they performed the song greatly, and Donghae as Amber was HOT!!! cos seriously, Amber is hot,baby! so no need to judge a hotness from a true man.haha.
oh, Heechul as Sulli was wacky. ok, Heechul really is a wacko. i dunno how could he not be tired. he seriously have many weird things in his head.haha.
after the performance, they sang some songs from Super Junior T,and one of them was Rokugo.and Rokugo was pure fun! haha. eventhough i dunno the lyric of the song, but if you know how to scream "ROKUGO,ROKUGO,ROKUGO MARHAEMAR!!" i don't think i have other difficulty than that.
and that time, other members appeared and Siwon was at our side, and aqilah took full use of his presence......
she snap Siwon's butt....
another feminine side of Heechul....
after that, it was a bye bye from them.
and bcos we know they planned the end to become like that, and we the fans know their plan, and so we yelled "ENCORE!! ENCORE!! ENCORE!!!"
and the stadium was dark again, and the screen showed this video about a story of a messy fairytale.
yeah. messy fairytale. it was in a cartoon mode,and Heechul was the main character.and that story was funny. i have to wait for the dvd to see that again.haha.
and then, all the Super Junior members appeared with some stuff dolls on their head. and by this time, most of them don't want to care much about singing and just care about having fun with the fans. ahha.
the members shot water from their water-guns, and i dunno how the fans got them,but they shot back some water to the members,also with a water-gun. and Heechul was so absorb with the shooting that he even took another mineral water to refill his water-gun.
and also, by this time, the stage were full of stuff from the fans. seriously, the fans threw many stuff on the stage, even the cloth that the fans use to wipe their sweats.and some of them threw this banner that showed "DONGHAE LOVES EUNHYUK" and Donghae took it and showed to the fans, and some fans might not understand what was the thing that Donghae showed cos it was in Hangeul and not in ABC.
Eunhyuk and Donghae.
Donghae is totally having fun.haha.
Shindong the PIG!
since start till the end, Kyuhyun always sing.nice~~!!
and then, it was a definite bye-bye from Super Junior.
i felt sad already.
saw the stuff on the stage? it was plenty.
by this time, Lee Teuk did the talking, but in Korean.
and Yehsung really was clueless.haha.
ok.by this time,Lee Teuk said Apa Khabar many times like that is a greeting like "Hello".
and oh. from this end talk also, Lee Teuk said something in Korean,and most of the fans didn't understand what they said (if only i have a voice at that time, then i can shout something.i remember the time when DBSK was around, and Yunho talked in Korean and everybody was quiet,and i shouted "YEAY!!!" during his talking, and people thought i understood Korean,and so they thought Yunho was saying about some good stuff, so the fans also shouted "YEAY!" how nice~),but this time, Siwon spoke in English,and even though i didn't understand most of it, he said something about Super Junior's 4th album.
and HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!??!?!?!
ok. i am not referring to the fouth album. i am referring to the FUTURE CONCERT!
like yeah, it means,NEW CONCERT! NEW ALBUM MEANS NEW CONCERT!! and even Super Junior said "SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!"
(don't be too happy, cos in the DBSK's concert, they also said the same thing "next year" but in the end, no Malaysia's Mirotic concert.
oh yeah baby!
Shindong: I'M NOT!!!
Shindong & Siwon: WE WILL MEET ALIA AGAIN!! YEAY!!!
Alia: oh well. i dunno about that really. hahah.
so yeah baby.
i'm wishing a happy day ahead of me after this.huhu.
and again, a bye2.
now i see Zhou Mi!
Bye bye Malaysia. bye bye. bye bye Alia!
oh,Shindong wore a different shirt from others rite? he wore the shirt that he got from a fan.coolness!
i saw Zhou Mi's BUTT!
this time, it was the final ending. Lee Teuk said something in Malay again. and Kyuhyun said this one cute statement: SAYA SAYANG KAMU SEMUA!
oh yeah Kyuhyun, i know you love ME. and also others.ahha.
so that was the end of the concert. it was pure fun. it was pure happiness. yeah, maybe a concert should be about performing, but this is actually a very nice concert for the fans that really want to see their idols in a good shape especially after some bad stuff going on among them.
and with Kyuhyun's voice to Eunhyuk's cool dance, Super Junior really entertain me and other fans.
so i hope they come to Malaysia again. with a more cool songs and cool dance,and cute and funny stuff.
thank you Malaysia for letting this guys performed in Malaysia,and thank you Heechul for not kissing anybody in this concert.thank you.
bye2 Alia. bye2 Malaysia.
ta then!
ps: i forgot to mention that Heechul took this pink bag from a fan. and Kyuhyun snap a selca of himself using a fan's camera. JEALOUS MUCH!!!!
panjang gile! hahahahaha
mesti best gile kan
oh yeah.BEST GILE!!
anda bace the whole thing ke?aha.
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