A'kum n ello.
few hours ago,which was yesterday,the May 20, and also a Friday, n oh,by few hours, it also meant 7 hours ago, i just met 2AM.
yeah people.2AM.
anyway, the conversations that i had with the 2AM members whilst they were signing my poster:

few hours ago,which was yesterday,the May 20, and also a Friday, n oh,by few hours, it also meant 7 hours ago, i just met 2AM.
yeah people.2AM.
which consist of Jo Kwon, JinWoon,ChangMin (not that Changmin,no) and SeuLong.
the people that have good bodies.
correction: their bodies ARE WOW. very very WOW, all 4 of this people's abs were on the covers of Men's Health magazine.
not the covers.but still in the mag.
anyway, i met them.
the bad part about meeting them?
the were fully clothes. totally not show-some-skins-or-abs appearance like in that Men's Health magazine.
the good part?
i MET THEM in real life.
from left: JoKwon, ChangMin, SeuLong.
from left: JinWoon, Jo Kwon, ChangMin's cheeks.
and another good part?
i have their autograph.
and this is when the real story begins:
it was an Autograph session, organized by DiGi and Universal Music Malaysia. also sponsored by ERAfm and some others that i couldn't remember. the venue: Wisma Bentley Music.
from the DiGi Youth's facebook, they said if we don't have the 2AM's Saint O'clock repackage album, they'll give us a free poster for the 2AM members to sign.
so all 3 of us; EmiliaSukaMelatah, AqilahPrasanCute and I thought, we didn't need to spend money to buy the album. cos we'll be given posters for the autograph session cos that's what normal people think.
to make things better, NadiaSepet tweeted and EmiliaSukaMelatah told me about the tweet that they'll give you a free 2AM's album to each of the fans.
so we have this thought "oh wow. maybe we'll get a free album and they can sign on that"
and so we thought like that.
like always, simple thoughts like that always came out wrong.
we arrived at the venue, a little bit later than the other fans who already screamed inside the hall that did not have 2AM. we showed them our tickets. we were given some useless (maybe useful for them) numbers and we were asked "you people already have 2AM's album?"
the person who asked was one of the DiGi's staff.
we said No.
and wow they had this bewildered face on their face.
they asked us "where did u buy the tickets?"
i answered "during the pre-sale"
DiGi people "oh. you bought from DiGi."
i looked at them weirdly.
and then they gave us posters.
EmiliaSukaMelatah was anxious a bit. she told me that 1 of the staff told her that the posters are not allowed for the autograph session. she told them that the DiGi website said we can use the poster that'll be provided, but the staff there were kinda clueless about it.
we asked around, as we still anxious.
so Emilia and Aqilah went to the staff and asked again.
the staff said we can use the poster for the autograph session.
cool then. no anxiety after that.
our mind was fully focused to the event.
- the MC was great. very funny. totally know how to communicate with the crowd.
- the fans were brilliant, like usual.
- a certain fan got a chance to have a personal shot with the 2AM group.
- 2AM sang one song. only one song because the event was only for autograph session.
- autograph session start!
- no handshakes with the stars. people were "ahhh no~~~"
- you can interact with the stars. "saranghae oppa~~~!"
- ONLY 2AM's SAINT O'CLOCK album can be signed.
our mind was back to ANXIETY mode.
i went to the staff.
alia: seriously, the posters are ok for the autograph session,rite?
staff: *went to ask some higher-ranked female staff*
higher-ranked woman: yes?
alia: the man there said 'only 2AM's album'. the website said "if got no album, poster also can". we can use the poster for the autograph,rite?
higher-ranked woman: yes yes. i already told them that only certain(or maybe she said few) people can use the poster for the autograph session.
alia: some people even got the free albums.......
staff: 1st come 1st serve. maybe you were late.
alia: yeah~i was.
problem done.
tho some stuff still happened when the people on the stage saw us using the posters for the members to sign.
Staff: EXCUSE ME, NO POSTER~~! *she said that to EmiliaSukaMelatah*
Emilia: *already put the poster on the table*
ChangMin (2AM member): *already signed the poster*
Alia: oh oh. we can.
other staff: they are acceptable.
staff: *not happy*
anyway, the conversations that i had with the 2AM members whilst they were signing my poster:
Alia: Hello Oppa.
Changmin: Hello~!!!
Changmin: *signed the poster*
Alia: Thank You,Oppa~!
ChangMin: *smile*
Alia: Hello Handsome.
Changmin: *smile*
JoKwon: *didn't notice*
Alia: Hello Oppa!
JoKwon: Hello!
JoKwon: *signed the poster*
Alia: thank you, Oppa!
JoKwon: thank you!
Alia: Hello Oppa.
(Alia didn't even know that JinWoon is younger than her)
JinWoon: Hello.
JinWoon: *signed the poster*
Alia: Thank You, Oppa!
JinWoon: *smile*
Alia: Oh My God, Oppa! SO HANDSOME!
SeuLong: *signed a very big signature on the poster*
Alia: Thank You!!
SeuLong: Thank You!
thats what happened.
ChangMin is handsome. better looking than the one on tv.
JoKwon is nice.
JinWoon is very cute.
SeuLong is very handsome from afar, but very weird up-close. his face had too much make-up, he looks weird. still handsome.
the showcase will be tomorrow. so maybe i'll blog about that too.
maybe. if something really interesting happen to me or to 2AM.haha.
ta then!
ps: i'll upload the image of the poster later.
so changmin adalah pilihan anda~
hahah.oh well.cheekbones dia nampak.haha.
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