06 August, 2007

DBSK survey

a'kum n ello..

yah~~yah~~..i'm fangirling rite now...so...sorry ney,macha!!

1- Who is the cutest (talking about personality, not physical) of the five members?
ah~~...i think this has to be ChangMin...cos you said PERSONALITY..not physically..

2- Who is the hottest?
emi will be happy with my answer...u-know then...

3- Nicest?
jae joong cos he can cook..

4- Who do you think will get married first?
ah...micky yoochun-ah...

5- If each of them became soloist...who do you think would be the most successful?
junsu then...nice voice...

6- Who has the hottest voice?
micky...i'll faint when i hear it in front of my eyes..

7- Funniest?
dunno why..i think u-know..

8- Who has the best moves (obviously it's either Yunho or Junsu)?
u-know then..

9- Who do you think is the best dealing with girls?

10- Who acts most like a girl?
need to say more,.....???..obviously jae joong..

11- Prettiest?
jae joong again...

12- Who do you think is the most hard to deal with?

13- Who do you think will get a girlfriend first as of now (since they all had one before, except changmin)?

14- Who is the craziest?
jae joong..cos he took changMin's first kiss...damn him!..LOL!

15- Who has the best taste in clothing?
jae joong kot..

16- Who acts most like a kid?

17- Who is the most manly?
hrm..u-know is the manliest..

18- Who would most likely come and comfort you if he saw you sitting there crying alone?
my head thinks it will be jae joong but i think i will kick him and so my heart thinks it will be changMin...haha...

19- Who would have the best manner?
changMin,my darling~~

20- Who would be the best to sit down with and watch a movie?
junsu..haha..cos i dunno why...

junsu,micky,jae joong,changMin,u-know

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