17 January, 2008

out & damn

A'kum and ello..

so..this whole day,i went out...very2 fun!..huhu..i think i was loud at the bowling alley,but never mind then..anyway..the story starto...~!

woke up at 7.45am..but continue to sleep after that...i woke up at every 15mins till 9am...and then had shower and suddenly received a message from amalina that she already waiting for me...kinda weird cos it's always me who were the one to call her first cos she always wake up later than me...then..after the clean up myself and so on,went to amalina's house...she told me she already wait for me at 9am...rite~

then...arrive at liyana's house..ah hin and hani didn't come yet...so just blab2 about nothing..look at amalina's past box that she wants to burn...and some of it kinda made me puke...she already remind us that some of it kinda eww..so,my bad...then...we made shepherd's pie...ah hin arrived...she was kinda surprise to see me helping liyana at the kitchen cos i always the one who do nothing and just watch them while eating anything that liyana's kitchen have...kinda annoyed with it but that's forgivable..then...hani arrive...and after that,we ate the pie and watched I AM LEGEND (pirate) that liyana has...the movie was ok but i still hate about the end of it...and then,we burn all the Amalina's past..hoho...BURNING~~~!!!

then...together we went to the bowling alley at PAS excluding hani who had to go dating at seksyen19...tiron and syefah joined us...and ah hin informed me before that that her CrunchyRolls' friends will join us too..amalina and ah hin were 1st timers for the bowling..and i haven't play the thing for some time...and lucky i still remember a few skills...got top for the 1st game...then liyana planned to play for another game..she plan to make a team vs team game...lucky my team(ah hin,me,ella(ah hin's CR friend),tiron) won...though my scores was a lil bit bad for the 2nd game....then play another game cos i'm not satisfied..my score got lower though..and liyana was a lil bit happy cos she wants to beat me...but she still lose in the end by one pin...hoho,loser~!...

sorry that i'm lack of enthusiasm for blogging today..cos still mad with this certain someone..

and hani,i already asked my father about the korean class...he shook his head when i asked about it...instead he change the topic and asked me about A-Level...damn,shit!!!
  • currently listening to ONE OK ROCK's 過去は教科書に未来は宿題

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