10 June, 2009


A'kum n ello..

hoho..i haven't read the paper for some time already..and now,most of the blog that i read are talking about the manohara's case..hehe.

and thanks for blogging about it cos now i know what happen..and Noi,don't talk about it when you're in Indonesia,it's taboo there..haha.

anyway,finish watching Hero.and one of the best dramas that i watched...dunno what i want to do after this...aha..i plan to watch movieS tomorrow...maybe will watch Angels&Demon and Blood:The Last Vampire..2 movies in 1 day...that'll be cool..

except,i only have RM50 in my pocket.how nice is that?

oh.yesterday,i ate many things.i had lunch.then,i ate my sis's fried mushrooms,then i ate maggi+egg goreng,then i ate dinner,then i ate something again.and also an apple.

and at 12am,i called my brother to buy me some kueyteow cos i was hungry..but i waited until 2am,and he still not home.ai~
and so i gave up.
and the house was already dark,so i couldn't switch on the computer.
and so i went to sleep.
and then i found out that my bro forgot to put back my facial wash that her borrowed from me( he use mine,btw)

and i'm bored.
and a lil bit nervous.you know why.
but i'm being positive here cos i think i'd done alright.hopefully.

and btw,Real Madrid said they won't buy xabi alonso.reason?cos rafa benitez don't want to sell him.YESSSS~~!!!!!!!a good news for my nervous breakdown...

and another thing,the confederation cup will end this 28th June,and holidays will be given to the players for 2 weeks,and logically,the spanish players,including xabi alonso,will attend the asian tour.

and where's my tickets?

park,lets go watch movies tomorrow?

ta then!

i think about you everytime.

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