25 June, 2009

i'm cruel and nice.

A'kum n ello..

i slept around 6am this morning.
tough rite?

you know already that before the Subuh azah,we have another azan...

and i was in the bathroom at that time,and so i heard that Azan...after a few minutes when the azan end,suddenly i heard 'AllahuAkbar' twice...and so i thought,"ah.Subuh dah masuk plak"

but only that.only the AllahuAkbar.
other than that,nope.

so i checked the phone,and the time was 5.16am.

and so,you already know that the Bilal made a mistake.

still,it was nice.

anyway,i woke up around 4pm just now.
and believe me,my daytime right now is like my night-time..

the time right now is 5.22pm and i feel hungry like i want to eat breakfast. haha. it feels like morning tho.cos the sun doesn't shone brightly like usual,and the wind blows nicely,and the mood is just nice.

i feel like an old woman,talking like that.......blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com

around 3am this morning,i was chatting with emi,and something about her that i accidentally FOUND OUT at google,which made me LAUGH REALLY2 HARD and have TEARS in my eyes blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comblogger-emoticon.blogspot.comblogger-emoticon.blogspot.com but made emi blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comblogger-emoticon.blogspot.com 'JANGAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com

i want to put it in the blog tho,she didn't let me.i have to respect that.

but still,

bye2,kawan karina blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com

btw karina's friend,thanks for telling me about Koike Teppei's new song..his single cover is just too HANDSOME!!!!!! come back to me,teppei-chan!

TEPPEI!! he won the men with beautiful skin award.haha.he beat Fukuyama Masaharu,dey~

Teppei Koike was ranked first with his white, smooth skin and envious looks. Actor and musician Masaharu Fukuyama followed Koike at second while Gackt took third place in the rankings.
-source: Tokyograph


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