10 December, 2008


A'kum n ello...

i tidied the house, and also my room...

seriously,too many dusts....and i ignore it...i only care about the appearance....if the place looks spacious,people know that the place is tidy....and the clean thing?i really don't want to bother about it...

and my room?..too many books...and i dunno where to put all of them....seriously,i try to find some empty space in my room,but in the end,the empty space in my room is only the floor...

the rak~
and wth with that spray paint

ah,there's an empty space

i don't want to put my stuff under the bed,cos under the bed is too dusty,and i only hide the guitar under the bed cos that guitar bothers me and that thing is big...

i still dunno what inside this box....
i think maybe my KREKOs are inside the box...

and i dunno where to put my bags..but luckily i have this lil space near the window.....

i replace the old DBSK poster with this one...

and my bed looks tidy for once in a week~

and i still haven't wash my pillows since my final exam...

anyway...i listened to DBSK's mirotic,the clean version one....hahahahahahhahahahaha~!

nothing different from the original one...only that the 'under my skin' is....UNDER MY SKY!

my fandom is giggling rite now...

here is the song...only the cut tho....cos it's only 59sec...


and another brilliant news for me,Nodame Contabile will have 2 movies!...yeay!!!....will be released later december 2009 and also in spring2010....kinda long,but never mind....many brilliant movies later in 2009...hoho..

never mind...


Anonymous said...

2009 juga ada dragonball, itupun jika anda suka dragonball...

Alia Liverpool said...

lupe plak..
dragon ball real life nye..~~
camne la leh lupe~