A'kum n ello..erm.
i haven't blog for awhile,which is a lil bit weird.haha.
i was thinking of blogging about the day before yesterday, where i had this outing(ok,it's really weird typing this word) with hani,liyana,ahhin and najwa. but i'm too lazy to blog about it as nothing unusual happened during the hang out.
what happened?
- hani wanted Satay Korea. Jusco sold those food before, but now, only Satay Japan exist.
- hani wanted to eat Seoul Garden. but then,we found out, Seoul Garden already change it location to the first floor. However, they're in the middle of renovation. so,Seoul Garden will opened on 2nd June(i think) and we can't have lunch there.
- there were this Korean Food Festival at One Utama.(oh yeah, we went to O.U. i forgot to inform that). and of course, Hani bought many korean chocolates. and of course, i joined her too. hani bought Pepero and ChocoPie
. i bought 3 boxes of Pepero for RM11.btw, 1 box of Pepero cost RM4.10. and PEPERO IS DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!! better than that Rocky.
- Seoul Garden closed, so we had to eat something else. Hani wants to eat at the food court, but i reject her idea immediately cos i don't like food at the food court. then those people asked me what i wanna eat cos they said i'm the one who is picky with food. and so i recommended Tokyo-G. HAHAHAHAH rite? i ate that food more than 10 times in this half-year already.haha. and so,we ate at Tokyo-G. and i hope Ahhin will not criticize any food that she eat after this. i know she's a culinary student and all, but she better be quiet cos her habit of criticizing food before we eat really irritate me. and by IRRITATE, it means i loathe it,and i'm serious here.
at Tokyo G and hani showed off her Pepero.
hello there.
- as i was in my Period mode, i had to wait for the girls when they were doing their Zohor prayer. lucky thing, there were some promotional thing about Ip Man movie at O.U. oh, it's a different kind of Ip Man movie, not the same one that i just watched last week, but a different movie without the cool Donnie Yen.it's called The Legend is Born:Ip Man. anyway, i thought Donnie Yen will be there, (cos i thought Donnie Yen act in this movie~) but nope,no Donnie Yen[of course], but there was this one actor that i saw in the movie that i don't know his name at O.U. and yeay, i met another famous people! haha.
- oh, i was thinking of buying some clothes, so i search for them and NOTHING! I BOUGHT NOTHING! i brought RM150,but i spent RM50 just for food only. HOW SAD IS THAT???? i saw this 1 blouse(i dunno what to call it,so i type blouse) but the size is not that nice for me. i tried S,too fit. i tried L,too baggy. NO M IN THE STORE.shoot~
- Ahhin went to the cd shop. then she saw Tohoshinki's best selection album
,the Malaysian version. only cost RM48.90. she borrowed RM20 from me, and bought the album. and she got A FREE POSTER!!!
- liyana had to go to her relatives' house, so we had to go home early.
and yeah baby,that's all.ta then!
[so she blogged about the outing.nice~]
~nnti bawak kte pegi tokyo-g!~
hahaha.jom2 cik fatin.sblm kt jd bosan ngan tokyo-g,ktorg makan kat tmpt tu.haha.
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