01 March, 2009

chemistry and bacterial spores

A'kum n ello..

woo...haven't update the blog like i used to...but can't do anything i have too many reports...

believe me,internet is a must for microbe's student...if you don't have internet if you're a microbe student...all you have to do to finish the report is COPY OTHER STUDENTS or JUST GIVE CRAP ANSWERS.


but still,i'm happy doing all those reports...it makes me understand life and makes me hate ethanol cos of the smell...

oh believe me,ethanol is really the thing that i detest right now...

oh.maybe i should say i hate all those chemistry symbols cos when i was sleeping with a nice dream,chemistry symbols like H2SO4 appear suddenly...da...and after that will appear CH3COOH...and then appear bromine....and then benzene...

imagine,when you kiss a boy,and then you suddenly think of something like "ah.his lips taste like benzene,the aromatic compound"

i'm kinda confuse which one has the vanilla smell...i know it's ester,but i dunno which type of ester...

you gain chemistry knowledge when you read my blog.which not only improve your knowledge but also mine...hohoho...

and i'm happy that my organic chemistry knowledge is improving..and i need to have a good nice sleep so that i can remember the formula for physical chemistry...and if mdm amaliawati can slow down her tone and always have a good mood,maybe i can try understand protein better...

enough of chemistry.

how sucks they were last night.but i don't want to care about them.and just when i think about some rascals,afiq ersyad appear reminding me about Liverpool's situation....and i became more frustrated after that...

YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'll trust you eventhough i'm currently hating babel right now...and xabi alonso...never mind about the own goal,it's not your fault....


k now...
i am trying to remember what is the other type of bacterial spore after bacillus subtilis?..cos i found that there are too many type of bacterial spores in the internet and bacillus anthracis is one of them too..but mr. o said that there are only 2 types of bacterial spores..


k now.
wanna finish my reports...!

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