07 April, 2009

believe in something?

A'kum n ello..

there are many things that i believe.

  • i believe in Allah.
  • i believe in karma.
  • i believe in positive thinking.
  • i believe that all hardworks will be paid later.
  • i believe that if i have the belief,i can do anything that i want.
  • i believe that if you want people to like you,you just have to be yourself.
  • i believe that if you use too much publicity stunt in the modern world,people will just think you're another poser and wannabe and some pathetic kids.
  • i believe that the people who said that it's not the time for her/him to change to the 'good' side,which she/he said "one day,i'll go to the good side,but not now" is just plain stupid,and to be truth,it's the stupidest thing in the world.it just show how stupid you are as a human being.
  • i believe that Nabi Muhammad is the best example for all human being to live.
  • i believe that love does not come at first sight.
  • i believe that you won't improve if you don't admit your own mistakes.
  • i believe that the most important things in proving that you're a Muslim are solat and 2 kalimah syahadah.
  • i believe that you're just making up excuse to not do what God told you to.
  • i believe that looking down on people is just plain unacceptable.but if you think you're too high yourself,you're just some brats.
  • i believe that if you think the future is not important,you are just wasting your time,and just hang yourself.
  • i believe that good impression is a must for all people.
  • i believe that Malays are just showing their own weaknesses in most decisions that they make.
  • i believe that the people nowadays are just too ignorant to care about their healthy lives.
  • i believe that many people in this world just don't care about what i said cos i'm just a blogger that talk only craps and also someone who thinks that she is correct in everything that she said.

oh whatever.
i'm just a loser.
just don't mind what i said.

ta then~!

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