04 March, 2007

Lovers Again....

a'kum n elo..

i read the translation lyric of exile's lovers again...very2 sweet!!!!....i love this part...

It's me who said 'Goodbye'
I don't know how many times I regretted
If only we could turn back  time
You opened your lip a little
and murmured  "it's alright"
Even I was able to know that
you're pretend to be

my,my....very sweet...not that i said a goodbye to my lover or what...but the song is very sweet...!!...i hum hum it everyday...!!...i slept at 4am today....then i woke up at 9am...haha...i just slept for 5 hours only...da...it's better i say goodbye to my favourite 'lover' ie my sleep....haish....hani remind me about something that i musn't forget....i had a plan with liyana n farahin to open a theme park or if the budget is too low,maybe a fun fare...with the chelsea song's 'blue is the colour' as the theme song...try listen to it...the song is totally suitable for a fun fare!!!!....'blue is the colour' and pom pom pom that...really though....anyway...i watched discovery chn and saw this liverpool student analyse that when females are having their period,they tend to have interest to a person that 'gagah perkasa'....but when they're not in their period...they tend to have interest to the more gentlement-type....whoa...never thought of that....and also they analyse that a person's physical will change a lil bit when they're in love...like ur lips will be a lil bit like angelina jolie when u're in love or ur eyebrows bcome a lil bit big....whoa...maybe cos of the hormone...hahaha....and if all these things happen...no wonder women bcome sexy when they're in love...now i get it..............

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