06 September, 2008


A'kum n ello...

being passionate is something so exciting and unbelievably good..

you maybe cry cos of it,but it is super2 good...

you support your favourite team,and when they win,the emotion running through you is just TOOO GOOOD...

and when you read some passionate manga,about how high their fighting spirit is,you just have that kind of feeling that say WOW

wow is a precious word.it's like i love you.but it's a lil cooler cos you say it without even thinking.it's just wow.even aiman can say wow when before he reached 1.he said it when he saw this beautiful thing.i always say wow whenever i see something like 'WHOA,THAT'S WOW'.yeah.wow is not something that you can explain.IT JUST A BRILLIANT WOW.

maybe you think all i said doesn't make sense,but heck,who cares what you think.
ta then!
  • currently listening to Westlife's us against the world.
  • bloody hot EYESHIELD 21!!!

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