05 July, 2008

what happen to u,teen?

A'kum n ello..

it hurts u know..totally hurt..

it's totally a pain in the ass...but much more the pain in the heart when someone that was close with you become like that...i mean,she WAS my close friend before,and to see her like that was like,our past was like a stupid moment;something that never existed....and to see her become like that,i have to cover my sad face and just laugh with the other people who call her as bitch....

we were close and now is like our past was our bedtime story....

and to see her with the heineken in her grip,and she took a pic of it with it,i had to feel guilty eventho the guilt is like 1 drop of it...

maybe some people think my guilt is just nothing,but we were very2 close...i was the 1st one who knew about her getting her 'bloody P'...and now,i was the last one who know about her party-bitch behaviour....da~....

it's a sad thing..
very2 sad..
but to see her like that,my desire to cry,or to think about the past is just something that not worth anything....

that's all..

i'm going back to the mode:don't mind don't care...
  • currently listening to NEWS's cherish..
  • what a good timing~
  • cherish the past then~

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