20 July, 2008


A'kum n ello..

so this day kinda bz...
have to search for the malay traditions thingy from the internet for the english thing...haish~..
or else,mdm shakirah will be more _____...
so better search for it..

badly need a laptop...haish~~
anybody want to borrow me their laptop..?
i have to wait until next year to have a laptop,
that's if i get 3.5 n above for this 1st sem~~

chat with faidzal today..he was my classmate when i was standard6..i always called him anak mama,and since then,ppl call him anak mama...he was the headboy,so it was weird that a headboy was called anak mama...

bless me cos create that holy name~

anyway...chat with him and we kinda talked about the future..
so i talked about my life in the future,that will mostly evolve myself to be a good wife....
truthfully,i'm more thinking about the life after death~..
too mature am i..?
but whatever..~
faidzal said i want to be an isteri mithali,
maybe what he said is true~

k then..
my dad calling me~

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