18 October, 2008

open house and rudey~

A'kum n ello..

went to aqilah's open house...


i was the person who in-charge of the "pls come to aqilah's house,dear mateys~!"...and so,i played a really important part for this open house...

yeah rite~~

nway...nice thing that her mother made the laksa johor that i want very much...huhu....thank you~~!!

met marjani and nazneen in the open house(da~of course i met nazneen,i went there with her~)...and we talked about bunch of stuff...asked marjani about what happen to her and all....and then talked about our dear friend....ahah~~....and there this moment that aqilah's uncle's lighter went into nazneen's glass...


and then some of the microb's mates came to the open house...amier like always,ate like gorilla when the ape ate banana....and i told the mates that khir is my big brother and heri potter is my lil brother cos we have the same father's name...huhu...

and i used marjani's phone to tell shazizan that we couldn't come to his open house..and so i told him that he should be greatful that i wasn't there or else i'll ask a big amount of duit raya from him..and then he replied that he already prepared for me(the duit raya)...and so i told him,next week maybe i'll go visit his house,and he should prepare RM10 for me...haha...~...


kp made me mad last wednesday...she was a rude cos she was late....she didn't say sorry to me,erm,she STILL doesn't say sorry to me about her latees.....yeah,maybe it was just a small matter,WAITING SOMEONE FOR 1HOUR...when the suppose time was 10-15minutes only...and the reason of the late was because "aku nk cari kunci bilik,lepas tu aku nk tunggu bas,sebelum tu aku pi bank nk kuarkan duit.que panjang gile sampai luar bank.tula aku lambat"-somesort like that...

i don't mind the lose the key...i mind about wait-for-the-bus and the bank...cos about the bus,the t603 bus appeared in front of my and aqilah's eyes for about 4 times...and kp still didn't appear...and the bank,it was like hell cos she should inform us about it cos u know la...you shouldn't make people wait longer than the supposed waiting time....

that's why cellphones exist!!!!!information is passed through this gadget!!

and she doesn't even think that she made some wrongdoing to me and qilah eventhough i told her directly that she made mistakes and she was being a lil bit like an annoying brat cos she didn't say sorry and also,like i said before,she thinks she doesn't make any fault...

that's why i hate rude people...
_ _____~!

ta then!

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