17 August, 2008

tuk mak,jia you!

A'kum n ello..

the main reason of this post is Liverpool..
but better i start about my visit to Batu Pahat...and then straight to that lovely,warm and happily win of Liverpool...hoho~~!!

so..after BEL130 class yesterday,straight back to my room at Melati Unite..and then waited for my bro n lil sis to pick me up...then after that,arrived home,and had to pack for the Batu Pahat..ahah...

heh?why the hell i talked about that eh?

then...arrived at batu pahat around 12am...ahah...

and why again i talked about that?

then...woke up at 6++am to do my subuh prayer...and then slept back and woke up at 9am..i supposed to wake up at 8am cos we'll be going to sri medan to visit my grandma who is staying there with her sis,my dear tuk uda,around 9am or so.....

but i was too tired...so my family weren't mad or anything,kot la kan...

and then..arrived at my tuk uda's house...my grandma was on the bed...with her sick and blur face...she didn't show any expression...but from her face,u know she was tired and sick...her sickness kinda like she doesn't feel any pain or so...or maybe she just doesn't have any strenght to feel anything....anyway,she was staying at her sis's house cos i dunno why...ahah~...my grandma was massaged by this tukang urut...i dunno her tho..i shook her hand but nothing much.....but thanks to her,cos maybe she makes my grandma healthier...

then...i was tired...so i slept on the sofa....until tuk uda woke me up and told me to sleep in this room...the room had 4 kids inside it,i think...i told tuk uda that some kids were inside it...i didn't want to disturb their playtime or anything...but that tuk uda,she's very cute...she told the kiddies,"kakak ni sakit.bagi dia tidur"...i thought my sleepy face already showed a sick sign...but heck,the kids said"kakak ni sihat je.dia leh senyum n pegang handset"...kiddies~~~..is smiling and holding handphone is a sickness??..da~...so i slept on the bed in that room...

until i woke up with my eyes slowly opened...and i saw my tuk mak(that's what i called her) changed her clothes...i was surprised...but then,when i fully un-sleepy,found out,it wasn't my tuk mak who was changing,but it was tuk uda..
da~both of them have the same face...~~

ah~..tuk uda is a female k?

and after that,i woke up from my sleep and my sis called me that House was on...so i watched House...and during the commercial break,i change the channel to KBS..and watched Full House...haha...and then,went back to watch House...

ah,btw,hani called me to go out with her..but cos i was at Batu Pahat,so i had to refuse...
she'll be going to batu pahat tomorrow...~~
and currently,i'm already in shah alam,just got back from bt pahat...

and then..went to bp mall with my parents and aiman...bought shoes for raya and also a handbag..muahahahaha~~!...handbag~~...they got sale in that place...ahah.

nway...after maghrib...went back to sri medan...and chat with my tuk uda...
i remember our conversation that really cracked me up...
u know about my knee problem?
tuk uda also had some knee problem before..
her synovial fluid already drained(something like dat)(and google that if you don't understand what is synovial fluid)....and so she need to put some jelly in it...

and so...
the conversation kinda like this..

alia:saya punye lutut ni kan tuk,sakit gile...(an incomplete sentence cos tuk uda interrupted my saying)
tuk uda:ala,aku punye lutut ni sampai kene byr 7000 ntuk cucuk jelly kat dlm lutut aku ni...

alia:(dlm hati berkata:yela2.ko nye lagi sakit dr lutut aku ni.da~)

yeah...so i laughed...
she's an old woman and i'm young...
and i had some old-folks conversation with the old people about old people sickness...
i think i need to plan my pension immediately if this old-thing continue...
this mild osteoarthritis thing is making me older and un-wiser..~da~

and then...i told my father that we need to arrive home before 12.30am cos i had a date with Liverpool at that time....
it was 9++pm at that time......
and so,my father said 'K,BALIK'...
so we off~

and some of my cousin there asked"sempat ke balik sblm match tu start?"
and i replied"dengan ketereran ayah bwk keter,sempat punye"

and on our way home...my father drove like michael schumacher..
i was sleeping at the back,but it was bumpy with the schumacher speed,so i fastened my seatbelt,eventho i sat at the back...and then,i thanked my father,cos we arrived before 12am...hoho...cool eh?

and bcos this post is too long,my Liverpool post will be in a new post..hoho~
ta then~!
  • currently listening to Super Junior's wonder boy

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