just got back from the market.
this is the 1st time that i drove to Pasar Klang on a weekday. so,i already expect the amount of cars that i would see this morning at the highway.
and yeah.PLENTY.
not as plenty as the amount of cars at the market's parking place.it was unbelievably many.lucky me that i saw a free spot from the first round.huhu.
as i was in the car, the Morning Crew(JJ and Ean) talked about football,which is mainly about Liverpool.
and you know, i'm not really a listener of the radio except the time when i go to the class,cos aqilah's car has a radio.
anyway, as i was listening, they talked about "do you want rafa out or not?" and asked the listeners to call to give their opinion.
then there was this caller. the time when the caller said "Rafa should go" i change my focus to the old man behind my car(that old man really clueless about his surrounding.he looks like 'biniku,takyah la beli byk sgt barang, bukannye cucu2 balik pun.abis duit aku'.) i heard a lil bit about robbie fowler,and something about rajagopal after that, then i shifted my focus back to the radio.
then another caller. JJ asked the same question, and the caller said "it's not about Rafa.it's about the 2 American Idiots".
i said it again,i don't really listen to the radio. i know the previous Morning Crew member,Rudy is a Liverpool fan,but i dunno about Ean. so i was surprised when Ean said "what?Liverpool is owned by Americans???"
so i can imagine what the caller and JJ's expressions. maybe something like
and then the caller said "don't tell others that you are a Liverpool fan" cos that caller is obviously a Liverpool fan and then JJ said that Ean is learning about football right now,and he's trying to be a Liverpool fan(or that's what i heard anyway.i was driving,so i don't know if i heard it correctly)
that's.......a good thing.
i think.
ta then~
too dizzy and sleepy.
ps: i saw a picture of xabi alonso celebrated his birthday inside the real madrid stadium. seriously, aquilani need to play so that i can have another favourite Liverpool player. ok2,torres and gerrard are awersome and all, but seriously, I MISS XABI's PASS! i need a beautiful PASS,NOW!
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