05 November, 2009


A'kum n ello...

i'm outside the exam room rite now.i finished the exam early,and it's not bcos i know all the answers but bcos i just don't want to be in that hot room anymore.that's all.

oh.don't worry,i know most of the answers but i used too many of my own words that i hope the lecturer will understand what i said.still,i'm not a genius.i only have 2 hours of sleep cos of study and THAT match,so i forgot some bits that i memorized many times,but end up clueless at the exam desk. Whatever,i'm just too tired to think too much about the outcome.i tried really hard to memorize it,and just my luck that i got blank suddenly.

i blame that hot room.seriously.

so here i am,waiting for aqilah,cos she's the one who drive the car.unlike me,she works hard to think about her answer.someone like her will have nice results,hopefully.

I'm just bored.so i put the image below.

ta then!

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