an uncle of mine said "if you're that lazy to study,how about you only study for 2 hours(for each day)?"
i was like "kenapakah aku tak terpikir pasal tu~~"
so,i studied Genetics,which,not really study,cos all i did was finished up the lab reports that due last Monday,which means,i already past the dateline.
i planned to sleep first tho,then do the lab reports later,but you know-la manusia kan, plan ahead,but nothing will happen.
so,i did the lab reports, and YEAY,ALL THE STUPID QUESTIONS I ANSWERED!!
a list to summarize my recent life:
- Immunology test was hella bad. the paper has 60questions,but i think i can only answered 10 of them.
- found out that Mizushima Hiro and Oguri Shun were the guests for Domoto Kyoudai!! i need SUB!!! please~~!!!!!!!!
- i dunno why but my friends are being moody all of
- a stranger sms-ed me.what the hell~~ i was kind enough to reply the sms by saying "sorila,u pakai maxis".
- hani didn't answer nor reply my calls and sms-es.i'm worried.
kalau aku komen nie, ko akan banned aku ke?? haha!
lee min ho!!
eh dah tukar poster ke?
yeah.aku ban.ko slh post tho.haha.
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