A'kum n ello..
now i know why people said "driving is tiring".
around 6pm,tiron ym-ed me and asked me if i can send her to uia. after much thoughts,i said i can.
and so,after Isyak, my sis and i sent tiron to UIA PJ.hohoho.
i drove the car to UIA.
my sis drove the car to go home.
after i picked up tiron at her house at seksyen11, my sis said "aye takut kalo alia bawak"
then tiron said "takpe.aku trust alia bile dia bawak kereta".
seriously,tiron was clueless in what future has for her.

and another thing,that was the 1st time i drove a car in a highway,during night-time.
cool rite?
1stly, around the roundabout at Bulatan Kayangan(the one near Shah Alam Club), someone horned at me.
1st point:
bad driving.and when i reached the highway, my sister said "aye takut gile sbb alia ni bawak laju" and then tiron joined her and said "agakla.ko bawak lajula, alia" and i was like "aku lupe nak warning ko awal2" (i dunno if i really said this) and tiron also said "ko ni orang yang bawak laju yang ske senyum" haha.
2nd point:
too fast.at the highway,i told the girls that i'll try to drive slowly.i told them that i will only take the middle lane. and after 5seconds i said that, i said "
jangan arap~!!" so i went into the right lane(the one that people call "
ikut kiri kecuali memotong") so i went into that lane and tiron said "ko tau,aku pun bawak laju gak.tapi aku takut nak masuk lane kanan" and bcos i think the car wasn't fast enough,so i went back into the middle lane.haha.
3rd point:
impatient.and then i told them that i want to pee.and so we went into a nearby Shell,and tiron said she'll pay for the fuel( she paid RM15! the my family always pay RM10~~.thanks tiron!!)...and after tiron paid the fuel,i fueled up the car. tiron told me "alia.ko patut jadi tukang pam minyak la.baju ko sesuai ngan pekerja shell" . i was T-T and so i pat her cheek and told her "ikutkan hati,aku nak je (pat=> slap) lagi kuat" and then tiron innocently smiled

4th point:
never wear a mustard-colored shirt to Shell.and then,there was a corner,and the girls were like "alia~~BRAKE~~!!" which i did,but tiron said it "ko ni bleh buat drift?" and i just smiled~~.
5th point:
emergency brake is bad.and when we arrived at UIA, i told tiron that i needed to pee again.haha.so i carried tiron's stuff and followed her to her room. my sis didn't want to stay alone in the car. i told her "ini UIA la.takkan ade hantu la" and then my sis said "dulu ade orang bunuh diri tu" and tiron said "oo.tau gak eh pasal mende tu" and so she followed us too.
and i met tiron's roommate. her name is sakinah.haha.i didn't ask her many questions tho.she seems nice.and i saw this bread at tiron's shelf,and i shouted "
emilia's blog) and then tiron said "tu bkan butterscotch.ko ske eh,alia?" i told her that i never eat Butterscotch bread but i want to try,and so tiron said "next week aku beli untuk ko la"

and then,tiron asked us to send her to the library,and so we sent her,and she had this box of candies,and so i told tiron "boleh tak?" and tiron said "amikla" and so i took the candies.i'm just being ALIA.
and then.
we said bye bye to tiron.
6th point:
never take other people's food.and that's all.
oh btw,i already paid my UiTM's fees.good~.
P/S: things to buy:
- Saiyuki Reload vol.8 (kinokuniya)
- Saiyuki Reload vol.9 (amazon.com)ta then!