27 November, 2014

The Stories of Those Around Us


Yesterday was Wednesday.

I was walking home to my car at UiTM during the evening and i realized that was in a brilliant mood.

It was the same feeling that i had after a day of seeing a handsome guy that smiles at me. Tho i saw no handsome guy but i had a pretty damn good feeling.

Then i realized, it was Wednesday.

My favourite webtoon is released every Wednesday.

And i damn well love it.

The webtoon is titled 'The Stories of those Around Me'.

My kind of reader pleasure. The story is sooooooo sweeet and shoujo-ish. Tho the webtoon is a Korean webtoon but you can imagine what i feel.

The story is about 3 girls but currently it talks about the story of Mira, who is almost 30, i think, who has a crush on this guy that he met at a subway, called Peace.

It is the typical romantic comedy storyline. Tho personally i like how nice the people around Mira supports her and how Peace sees her. And i love how real it is to reality. Because Mira's reactions are the same reaction that i had whenever something lovey doey stuff happened to me. And she kinda experiencing what i had, so i end up supporting her as a reader.

Tho the sad part is that Mira has a good chance of having a special relationship while i have no chance cos i currently do not have somebody.

If only i have one.

Oh, based on the latest chapter, Peace and Mira are having an ending that i have not had yet. Haha.

Anyway, if you want to read the webtoon, download LINE Webtoon app and search the title. Plenty of good webtoons in there too. Tho my personal favourite is this story.

Again, i reviewed stuff again. Bye then! 😘

22 November, 2014

a tale of an arrogant brother.


few days ago, i was watching the tv with 2nd brother, and all of sudden, my 1st brother suddenly appeared and said "alia, when you have plenty of money, buy your own tv and you can watch all your Korean shows from that tv of yours. and also because there is another person who also watches Korean shows beside you" he eyed my 2nd brother when he said that.

and then i said "i don't have any money" tho i should have said "i'm saving myself for a PS4 and buy my own tv to play that PS4" but i was not that creative at that moment.

and then my 2nd brother defended himself and said "Alia watches dramas and tv shows. i only watched tv shows" which actually incorrect because i only watch variety shows from the telly, but watch dramas from the computer instead.

but i only stayed quiet and ignored whatever those two people said.

but they still continued to talk.

after my 2nd brother defended himself, the 1st brother said"it is because you don't have any job, so you just stay at home and do nothing but watch the tv. that's why" and so he said the usual 'you no job, you useless' when he also was that kind of person few months ago.

"do you know that you don't do anything right now?? nothing. it's because you have no job" the first brother was almost shouting when he said this.

"but i actually did something to search for a job" the 2nd brother added.

i was quiet, if you were wondering.

"YOU DID NOTHING. YOU HAD TWO INTERVIEWS, BUT YOU DIDN'T GO TO ANY OF THEM. ALIA TOLD ME THAT!" so the first brother involved me in his yelling. how sweet of him.

"do you know what job was that? it was a job at a call center". not a wise reply, 2nd brother.

"BUT AT LEAST THAT JOB GIVE YOU APPROXIMATELY RM1800++. MY SALARY IS NOT EVEN AS MUCH AS THAT!" the first brother continue to yell. it is true. he always complain about his salary.

the 2nd brother did not say anything.



i was trying not to say out loud,'you also don't pray la, you idiot'.

my 2nd brother stayed quiet. his face showed that he was upset but he tried to not yell back. wise move.

i also stayed quiet. i was watching Hello Counselor.

and to be honest, the problem in Hello Counselor is more complicated than these 2 people fighting against each other.

why? because watching my first and second brothers fought with their own words about something so ridiculous like that is embarrassing. the embarrassing part is, the one who yells did not even realize that he was once the same person as the person who was yelled at. but that person who did the yelling forgot about his past, that he thought he is a better person than that person who he yelled at.

it was stupid, immature and arrogant.

you has a job and you insult those who did not.

that person who yells only assumed that the other person did not work because he did not has any plan to have a job.WHAT'S WITH THE ASSUMPTION? maybe that person really really search for a job, but he just did not mention it? so you has a job, and you think you are better?

again, what's with the yelling?

second story: the first brother has his own car but the steering wheel is a bit off, so he does not use it, but wait for someone to repair it. the car still haven't been repaired for almost 5 months.

so he used someone else's car. whose? mine and others.

and then he entered the car and it currently has this fishy smell. the guy became furious. and he asked me, with anger, "where did that smell came from?" i just said"they went to the market this morning. maybe happened at that time?"

and he became more furious. long story short, he suddenly said that we are irresponsible because we did not take care of the car.

i stayed quiet and just played Candy Crush. the guy continued with his talk"you also used that car. you should have taken care of it better"

i tried not to smirk.

did he not think when he said that?

it was ridiculous. my maid already Febreze-ed that car. she even brought it along when we went shopping just now. we knew that the car had a fishy smell. we wondered how it'd happen but we tried to eliminate the smell.

but it didn't work. so we just let it go.

but the guy did not know that. he assumed we were just being lazy about it. he assumed that we were being irresponsible.

i stayed quiet.

and then he went outside and came back again and said "i hate it when you do not care about the car".



and then he complained again and cancelled his plan to go out just because the car has a fishy smell.

this is ridiculous. i do not even know why i even blogged about this.

anyway, ta!

13 November, 2014

you are your own view


today, a senior of mine told me this lovely, funny but a tiny bit sad story.

"Alia, you want to know something? yesterday, Dr Faiz asked me"do you know my student, Alia?" and then i said"yes, i know. why?" and then he said"oh. friends with her, ok?""


am i that lonely??

granted, i am always alone in the lab. i have to search for friends instead of making one. few months ago, the juniors were kind enough and always asked for help from me and tried to friendly. this semester tho, the juniors not so... friendly.

ah well. maybe i have a serious face after all.

there was a time i asked this young lecturer who taught me pre-calculus. she was nice. i asked her if she has any 1st impression of me. and she said"you looked arrogant when i first saw you"

i could have ignored it and forget about it but i still remember her answer till now. it is the way she said the word 'arrogant' that make me  still remember that answer. she looked...bitter.

ah well. as long as i know who i am, that is all that matter.

i liked this week's episode of Hello Counselor at KBSworld that had BEAST as guests. i love the way the fashion terrorist ajumma explained why she wore that funny and immature looking clothes. she had short curly, orange hair with a ribbon band on it, a pink clothes and heavy,glossy make-up on her face. and oh, she was not that thin, so she looked a bit ridiculous with those stuff on her. her daughter sent a concern about her because she wears that kind of clothes all the time and she is 43 years old. so her daughter wants her to stop.

and when the MCs told her if she will stop wearing those stuff, the so-called immature mother explained why she will not stop wearing those stuff.

"i do not care what other people think. if this stuff makes me happy, i am happy. why must i be unhappy just to follow what people said?" i think she said those stuff, sort of.

what she said was astounding. and she even add, "when i was young, my mother had plenty of clothes but she never wear them. she always wore the same one. one day, she went to my school. i was so embarrassed of her, i hid instead". she was almost in tears. the MCs could not say anything to her. her daughter changed her opinion, and instead told her to stop spending $1000 on her weird clothes but spend half of it instead. her mother agreed, and all problems settled.

and that, people, is why you must not care what people think. be wise. people might complain and say that and that, but that same people who complain also like that.

take me as example. there was this cute boy at my faculty but i often complained that he wore the same boring t-shirt all the time. but then, i realized that i also wear the same hijab, and the same shirts and jeans to my faculty too.

so, be wise and never care what the world think. you live for yourself and most importantly, for ALLAH.

image credit: brightdrops.com

bye :)

13 October, 2014


AsSalam n hello.

Dear people who are around me. Childish is ok until you make it annoying.

Like that time when we want to pay for that masseuse for that massage we got?

We all know that someone would pay it for us but then somebody stopped it and said "i'll pay for mine" and suddenly that person also said "he'll pay for himself too"

Way to go for ruin the mood and not telling us about it.

No need to be so sure that you are making this for our benefit. Nope, you are not. Think first who you're dealing with.

Because who that person is determine thr childish annoying meter that you've just started. Because the other guy is a childish person just like you. More or equally annoying like you.

The other person went mad n started made a scene.

And then you'd be smh n all.

Oh yeah.

You two notice who is looking at these stupid behavior? The youngest person which is Me.

The fuck were you two doing? I had to apologize to the masseuse because of you two. She only needed her payment, not some stupid behaviour. Heck, she had just seen you naked body. But she only needed her payment.

You people make me sick. 😠

15 September, 2014

New Phone: Lenovo S960 Vibe X


I'm using a new phone cos my old Samsung Galaxy Note went kapoot. Went for a repair n found out even the motherboard was ruined. If i replace the motherboard, it'd cost about RM600. End up not paying for that and planned to buy a new phone instead.

Went to Mid Valley cos they had this IT Fair thingy. Wanted to look around for some new phone. And the one that excited me was the this new Lenovo. The price was quite good. About RM669 like that. Didn't have the money but i did feel like i want to buy that phone.

Went home, told my dad, showed him some brochure of Lenovo phones, and i thought about which one i want. The Vibe X was within my price range. The Vibe Z is tempting but the price...erm NO. Anyway, 2 days after that, my father gave the money and i bought a new phone with my maid as the negotiator.

I'm liking this phone. 2.2 Ghz processor, 2GB RAM, Camera: (front) 5mpx, (back) 12mpx. Yes, the camera quality influenced my decision a bit. I need a good camera for selfie after all. Haha. Fyi, the camera was supposed to be 13mpx, but after i updated the android to the most recent one, it becomes 12mpx instead.

It has certain themes, and you could choose. You could change the wallpaper to the one you want but it's a bit difficult to set it to your own liking tho. It has some editing features for the camera that you might not need the Camera360 app if you have this phone. And for the selfie camera, it has this beautify picture thing that will make your face look flawless without any acne scars. 

I end up reviewing this product instead. Ah well. Here's a picture of me selfie with my new camera.

supposed to meet Cumberbatch, but met Cantona instead

AsSalam and hello.

so i'll blog the Part 2 of my Cumberbitches' plan to meet Cumberbatch when he was in Malaysia.

spoiler alert: IN THE END WE DIDN'T MEET HIM.

i'll just say that we were not fated to meet each other face to face. some of my mates did see him. Emilia Yunho saw a glimpse of him. my friend, Bahiyah and I? we saw none of his glimpse.


i didn't remember much about that night now that THAT night was months ago, so i couldn't really blog what actually happen. sorry tho. maybe i really should start blogging actively nowadays especially now that i already put some adsense ads at my blog. haha.

anyway, we did meet some famous people tho. that Bahiyah, she saw Jamie Foxx when he arrived at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel after the award show. she was like "JAMIE FOXX!! JAMIE FOXX!! HE JUST CAME OUT FROM THAT VAN!!" and we were like "where?where??" and saw none of him.

by the way, we were at the entrance of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel at that time.

so we parked the car and went to the cafe and ordered one pink guava juice that cost RM24 and also 6 glasses of warm water that were free. actually, we ordered 3, but they gave us 6 cos the waitress knew why we were there i.e STALKING.

anyway, we waited for Mr. Cumberbatch to enter the hotel. we still saw nothing.

famous people started to appear.

and then i saw 3 Manchester United fans sat beside our table. waiting for some Scums legends such as Eric Cantona and .....oh, Bobby Charlton.

anyway, we waited.

and then Tiqah, my new Cumberbitch friend, saw at twitter that Benedict Cumberbatch was outside the hotel, signing some autographs for the fans outside. LIKE, WHAT THE HELL. we were waiting for him in the hotel with a RM24 guava juice, and he was signing autographs for fans that spent nothing for him????

sometimes, life is a bit cruel. but we have to embrace it.

anyway, we still hoped he enter the hotel. but then we found out that the VIPs went to some post-award party at a nearby club. so Mr Cumberbatch went party without us.


with hope in our heart. that line from You'll Never Walk Alone was in my mind. so we waited for him. it was almost 11pm at that time.

and then i saw David Coulthard. for your information, he was a former Formula One racer. btw, those who know me since i was 11 knows how much i love F1 at that time. i had a book that had this statistic and data about the winners and all. my favourite F1 racer will forever be Mika Hakkinen. Michael Schumacher is good, but i don't like him enough as a favourite. and so do David Coulthard. but still, i did like him long ago because i was a fan of McLaren, and he was a McLaren driver when i was a fan of F1.

anyway, i saw him and his wife. i don't want to talk about his wife, cos i don't know her but she was a bit sexy, and i didn't really like her dress that night. Coulthard tho, looks ..good, i guess. not all F1 racers look like Kimi Raikkonen after all. you can't blame him. anyway, i didn't take any picture with him. i only looked and tried to not look excited. haha. i mean, that was David Coulthard after all. that former McLaren F1 racer. anyway, he didn't go to the party. he went straight to his room after he stopped by at the cafe.

and then, the Scums fans stood up and went somewhere. i didn't really realize that until Emi's friend, i forgot what his name, asked me"you don't want to take a picture with Cantona?" and i was like "why should i?" and when i think about it, i should take a picture with him. i could show-off to my brothers if i took a picture with him.

so Emi, her male friend(a Scum supporter) and I went to the lobby and saw the guy that did the flying kick to a supporter, Eric Cantona. he was busy signing autograph for the Scums fans. while we went near him, the guards told us that we couldn't take a picture with him. Emi was like "only few minutes lah" and Cantona suddenly walked away. we chased after him and he stopped to sign more autographs. while he was busy signing those autographs, Emi went to him, pulled a tiny bit of his suit that he end up looking at her, and she asked"will you take a picture with us?" and his reply"OK."


and he went back signing the autographs, and after he finished, he looked around for us, and we went to him and took a picture together.

from left: Emilia, Cantona, Me.  
after we took a picture with him, i just realized that our cameraman was Emi's friend, the Scum supporter. hahahahahahahhahaha. i asked him why he wasn't in the picture n he could just asked someone to snap for us, but he just said "at least i could meet him".


nway, i sent the picture to my family's WhatsApp group. and my brothers were like "where did you meet him?"

i am brilliant, after all.

anyway, we went back to the cafe. still waiting for Mr Cumberbatch to appear.

one hour gone, still no him.

i did see some Malay guys who looked rich. found out they were Siti Nurhaliza's stepsons. must be nice to be rich. ate at that cafe and ordered expensive food like its cheap.

and i saw Fabio Capello. again. feel like taking a picture with him tho, but some guys took a picture with him first, and he went to eat his supper immediately afterwards. no chance for me. then i saw Bobby Charlton. some Scums fans wanted to take a picture with him but his wife stopped them "NO PICTURE PLEASE"


and so we waited again. it was almost 12am.

and then, some girls said"he already entered but he immediately went to the lift!!" and Emi said"i saw him too. he just went to the lift immediately". they said he was drunk after the party. some girls stopped him n wanted to take a picture while he was drunk, but he refused them politely.

and so, it ends. no chance of meeting him. i was not fated to meet him. maybe one day.

and i end up meeting another Scums guy which i found out later to be some famous painter of Manchester United. a very old guy who was really really friendly to us. and he thought all of us are Manchester United fans. how cute. Tiqah is a Spurs fan, while I support Liverpool FC.

ha ha.

anyway, he was nice. he wrote his website url that has some Cantona's pictures, on his dentist name card and gave it to us. he still thought we were Scums supporters tho. his wife even asked"your brothers have a poster of Cantona on their walls?"

erm... i forgot what i answered.

anyway, we gave up. we paid for our drink and went outside of the cafe. the security immediately came and said"we received complains and you have to leave now". if only i can shove my RM24 bill of pink guava juice up his ass, that'd make my day.

so, that's all.

bye bye.

maybe one day we'll meet each other, Mr Cumberbatch.

good night. thanks for reading.

08 April, 2014

Cumberbitches' plan to meet Cumberbatch


I have the mood to blog, or in other words, to talk about something interesting.

Two weeks ago, i was in my fangirl mode. Not my usual kpop fangirl mode. It was my British fangirl mode. Not related to LFC, but the guy still a British guy. As some or maybe few of you might have known, this year's Laureus Award was held in KL because Rio had to cancel the event bcos of some reason that i forgot what it was.

What is Laureus Award? An award for sportsman. Actors have Oscars, athletes have Laureus. As a football n sports fan, i was excited about this event. I even wish to attend it. Only a wish, so i did not do anything about that wish.

Until, my dear friend Emilia Miyuu Miyuu told me at LINE:

My dear Sherlock was chosen as the host for that award!!

As Benedict Cumberbatch was chosen as the host, i became more excited. Yeah yeah, they said Beckhams would appear. Rafael Nadal also might appear. But Benedict Cumberbatch as the host? That's a dream come true for me.

So, Emi and I planned about what to do. And apparently, our friend, Bai, also a fan of his. So she wanted to join our stalking activity.

Me, Emilia and Bai. stalking trio.
We planned and planned. When will he arrived? Which hotel? Which flight? We planned and speculated.

We made a Whatsapp group called Cumberbitches, just to discuss our 'activity'. We used our stalking experience as a kpop fan and speculated which hotel he'd stay. One of the sponsor for the event was Majestic Hotel. So we thought he might have stayed there.

We went there.

FYI, the hotel is a 5 star hotel, situated in the middle of KL, with a majestically beautiful interior. We planned to sit at the cafe there and waited for our Ben Ben. The waitress gave us an Acer tablet as the menu. We looked at the list of drinks they have. Some didn't even show the price. There was one drink that cost about RM28. I think it was an orange juice....

I think la.

In the end, we asked for the waitress and asked her whether they serve any coffee. She said yes and we asked what kind. She said "cappucino, latte" n so on. Without thinking, i said cappucino n the others chose latte instead.

So we waited for our Ben Ben.

We waited and waited.

Where the hell is he? We thought.

We got our coffee. And some cookies. Mind you, the place oozes with class. We couldn't even talk loudly. We were like classy ladies. We drank the coffee like we were Kate Middleton. We had to pretend like we're born high class. We drank the coffees like royalties even though Emi said the latte tasted like the ones at McCafe. The cookies were tasty but it was like the kuih raya cookies we had during Eid Fitr.

The cappucino that i ordered.
And then, Bai showed us a picture of our Ben Ben with some fans at some hotel... in Malaysia. We were like"when is this?? Where??" then a friend of Bai (through facebook) said that he actually stayed at Mandarin Oriental Hotel, not at Majestic Hotel.
So we looked at our coffee. We looked around. Then Bai asked "Mandarin Oriental, jom?" and we replied "JOM!!"
we asked for the bill. The waitress gave us the bill.


RM20, not include tax, for each of our coffee. The price of pretending to be rich and also the price of being a Cumberbitch.

So we went to Mandarin Oriental. Oh. It was 11.30pm at that time. Almost midnight. And once we arrived, i went to the toilet. I told the girls to wait at the cafe. They said "don't mind don't mind. We'll wait for you in the toilet" oh how kind they were.

I took about 5 minutes to finish my 'business'. Then we sat at a sofa at the lobby. Saw some Man Utd fans. I thought"are they waiting for Beckham? They did say he'd come. But he's in Miami tho". And then, some guy that might be a security guy was walking in front of us. He looked at us suspiciously. So we ended up go to the cafe there instead.

A nice looking waitress served us. Cos my mouth feel weird bcos of the cappucino that i drank at Majestic, i asked for a warm water. The other girls were looking at the menu and was like "air milo RM18! Lagi mahal dari tin milo tu!". Anyway, we asked for an orange juice. Price: RM24. Only a glass. Tho we speculated how much is the warm water.

So we waited. And waited. And waited. And when it's almost 1am.
We gave up.

It was harder than stalking kpop artist and also pricier.

So we paid the bill. The warm water is Free! Haha. While we were walking out, Emi was looking at some chocolates they displayed there. The chocolates look so tasty and expensive. 1 chocolate=RM5.50.

The waitress that served us before came to us. She introduced us which is good and which one is too common. And she showed us this one tasty looking chocolate cake that ONE SLICE of it cost around RM30.

ONE slice only. And here i thought Secret Recipe has the priciest cake of all.

Then the waitress asked about us. We asked about her. And then we revealed to her that we came to see Benedict Cumberbatch. She was suprised. But she also revealed to us that many people was waiting at the hotel since morning. Maybe to meet him. And then she revealed to us that some Hollywood celebrities came to Malaysia for a holiday and stayed at that hotel before. And she also revealed that all the stuff in the hotel are imported.

The tables, chairs, the paintings, even the juice that we drank are imported.
Oh oh. Even the warm water!! Hahahahah. Lucky thing it's free.

And then, she made a sudden confession. She said that few minutes before we entered the cafe, Benedict Cumberbatch had just finished his dinner. Easily said, he was there when we were in the toilet. In the fucking toilet. While i was pooping.


We missed him because of my poo!
And then we went home and planned to meet him at the red carpet, before the award show, on the next day. Which, we failed because we were late.

Still, we tried to meet him after the award show at the hotel.
Which i'll blog about it at the next post.
Goodnight. ♥

27 January, 2014

Treat people better at wedding

It is 3.04am and i am resisting myself from falling asleep.
To be honest, i had a very mindful weekend. There were plenty of stuff on my mind. Maybe i am in my period which end up making me very very sensitive in every small matters that happened around me.
Like that wedding i went to few days ago.
I rather not say who, but it was a wedding of someone that i knew when i was 11. A man, who acted like a girl and nicknamed Sizuka, got married to his childhood crush, his Nobita (a girl). I went to his wedding, feeling so excited to meet him and my old schoolmates. But when i went to that wedding, i could not even say the word "congratulations" to him and i could not even take a picture with him or even a nice 'hey, long time no see'.
Oh. You might wonder if he is a handsome guy or something. But no, he is not. But he is a nice guy. But i think him and his wife need to learn how to treat guests better.
They did not even smile at us. Not even a single hello. I was like an uninvited guest. To be honest,  i feel hurt.
There was i, excited to see him and naggy personality in his wedding dress. He finally married his childhood dream. But he end up making me feel like a hopeless friend.
Yeah, we never contacted each other. Yeah, we were not the nicest girls when we were in school. We were among the crazy bunch, unlike the other girls who were among the sweetest shy bunch. But to be treated like stranger at a wedding that someone actually invited you (with a card) is painful.
I thought i was the only one who felt hurt with that treatment. Apparently some others also feel the same.
You might have the most Islamic wedding of all time, but if you do not treat others with the way Islam teaches you, i think you have to stop for a bit and look yourself in the mirror and realize that you have to be more humble.
Maybe this is why i hate going to weddings. Maybe.
Still, i am actually looking forward to the next wedding that i will attend to after this. So hopefully this one might give a better treatment than the previous ones.
Ok now. Have a good future ahead of you and me. AMIN!

Ps: Never forget your solat!!

17 January, 2014

Pre-Master thought


Today is Friday. Today is Thaipusam (have a happy one for those who celebrate) and also a public holiday.

It's not like public holiday is significant to me, nway. I've been staying at home for the last few months n to know that today is a public holiday is actually a miracle.

So, here i am. Doing nothing at home n watching Life is Pi. Even the movie does not inspire me to do anything good. I feel bored. I was planning to go out but i checked my purse and i only have a miser rm11. Tsk3. What can you do with rm11? Nothing!

And Najib said we should not complain about anything and give kangkung a bad name. Tsk2.

I should start reading journals now. I should,  shouldn't i? March is around the corner and i still am clueless. Do all pre-Master+PhD students are like this?

Ah well. I am nervous abt continuing my study But i take it as challenge. Truthfully, i am so excited, i cannot wait to start. I had enough holiday and to face another tiring journey actually makes me realize that i can be useful to others too and that makes me excited. I also realize that is a sign of workaholic. But who cares. This is a very good opportunity for me. Compare to others, i am a very very lucky person. I thank Allah S.W.T for that. Thank you thank you.

I do not know what to blog. For something memorable, look at this picture.

P/s: do not spread the picture to other places without permission

01 January, 2014

New Mobile Phone


My father gave me his old phone, Samsung Galaxy Note. 1. I.  ONE.

Yeah, the phone is old. The market already have the Note 3. I think. And i have just started using it ancient version.

Cannot really complain. My old phone had a tiny screen. Now, the new one has very big screen and my eyes maybe will end up like Ozil.

Yes, i used that joke again. My sis said that joke is not a joke. Hey, big eyes and Ozil are relatable and funny, ok?

Nway, i like this phone. Major flaw is that the previous owner did not take care of it nicely (yes, father. I am referring to you). He wrecked the charge hole. So i have to charge the phone externally.

Ah well. At least i still can use it.

And i can finally finish up Candy Crush. Yup, still playing. That game is like a challenge. You win it, you are powerful. You lose it, you are a loser. Haha. So i end up continue playing it.

And oh. Finally have the chance to try Camera360.



The eff.
I cannot upload the picture through my phone!!

Anyway, as the date shows: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014!!! InsyaAllah this year will be better than last year or awesomely good. 2013 was hectic and messy but the end products were brilliant. Have a nice year ahead. :)

[edit] eh, i can upload the picture lah! Me and Alena  ♥