today is New Year's Day.
nice number there.
i was alone with my brother at home. got a fight with my brother like usual. and ah hin called me. she told me before that she wanna go out on new year's day. i told her that i didn't have any money with me,and my maid is not working and only my useless brother is home.
then ah hin told me to come to her house.
i told her the usual excuse "i don't have my car with me"
and so she said she'll come to mine. she also alone at home with her father.
i told her to make me lunch.haha.cos she obviously know that i'm no cook. and so she said ok, and she'll come after Zohor. then she called again. she said she asked me if my oven can be used. i said "can". then she said she wanna made Cheese Bake Rice(that's what i think it is). it's a food that have cheese,with chicken chop and rice. i said "OK!
so i waited.
i told my brother that my friend is coming to make food for me.haha.
and then after the Friday's prayer, he asked me, "where is ur friend?" i told him "later she come" then my bro said "haikal lapar la"
wth rite? my friend is not his slave. both me and ahhin are alone,so we wanna meet each other by doing food together. seriously tho. my brother is an embarrassment.
i waited for AhHin.
she arrived after Asar instead.
then she said "no cheese. so we can only make Chicken Chop"
oh yeah??
who knew that Chicken Chop is easier to make. you just coated the Kentucky powder with the chicken, that you deep-fry it. voila, Chicken Chop done.
and also, it's CHEAP.
and bcos i thought we'll make Cheese Bake RICE, i already cook the rice. and bcos we have rice with us, AhHin made Nasi Goreng Kampung. she taught me some tips about cooking. all the tips that a beginner like me need to know,such as:
- if u want to know if the chicken is cook or not, take a knife, and touch the inside, and if it's hot,it means it's cook.
- oil that was used to cook chicken can be used for others,but oil that was used to cook fish can be only used for fish.
i think there's more, but i only remember that.hahaha. i don't even know these kind of thing.haha.
and here she is,the Chef of the day:
i think she already look like a chef.haha.
and around 6.40pm,i sent her home cos AhHin have to watch Jolly Widows(KBSworld,7.25pm) for her mother who is holiday-ing right now.
and before i sent her, i paid the UiTM fees.
so now.
ps: AhHin, thanks for the food!! my family love them! I LOVE YOU!!
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