29 April, 2009
give up?try me.
3 days to go for organic and microbe's papers....
truthfully,organic gave me hope..but microbe?.......ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
whenever i think of give up,(like i did during my spm) i suddenly remember of Liverpool....how could they have that kind of will...?..
but still,miracles happen..
and eventhough miracle never love me,but at least i try...so,i'll try..
work hard,ALIA!!another 1 week,you'll be free!!!
oh,hani!thanks much2!!..huhu..
GOOD LUCK TO ME and to you people..
ta then!
28 April, 2009
exam today.
k..i remind you now cos my sis said i always blog about some stuff that not related to my life...
anyway..if i blog about microbe or any knowledge stuff,bear with it..cos that's my way to memorize my notes...
oh.today's exam.
i dunno if should say it was tough.
i think it was alright.
maybe i'm the one who thinks too much.i forgot some formulas and also confused some..haish.but still,i think i did ok.
oh,i got my microbe's test3...and i got BAD~~...
mr o's comment on the paper:
take that!
aqilah got a so? tho.haha.
later will study microb.
ta then~
don't wonder too much why i surfed the net eventhough i have exam..this blog is my way to make me relax.
The Liverpool way helped me.
27 April, 2009
a break from study
i dunno why.
my head was spinning like crazy,and i went straight to the internet.......
=nothing good.but i feel nice.
oh,aina.thanks for the notes.help me nicely ~!..huhu.
tho i found out your vapour notes are totally similar with chemguide.co.uk,a site that always help my organic chem's need..haha~
but still,thanks!
don't think i'll blog again like usual later...
but still,
oh,for the siti sisters who read this,hani told me that fatin will be back from the 1st july..and we plan to have weird day during that time...and so,please think of weird stuff for now,ok?
ainun,hani told me that maybe you'll have orientation during that time...........
erm,we'll think about that later..haha~
and also,hani will be busy during the holidays cos she'll take intersession class...
reason: bcos she want to skip a semester.haha
ta then!!
- currently listening to One OK Rock's reflection
another Liverpool post.
the things that will make Liverpool lose the league are
- the draws at Anfield.
- give up just before things end.
- the referee.
i dunno why.
i just have that feeling.
26 April, 2009
so..the whole day,i read microbiology..and i found this fact.
the truth.
you only know about bacteria.nice.
lucky bacteria is a unicellular cell..and all we,microbiologist,have to do is learn about this 1 tiny cell...
eventho this thing is tiny and make you mad just to find it real form under the microscope,but this thing is just happen to be the simplest thing in the world.
i'm telling the truth here!
unlike human,they have many systems in the body,unbelievable amounts of cells,and we have to learn about it....
but still,the truth is,bacteria is very bad creature.lucky that this creature is a simple creature.
imagine,the complex form of life,i.e the human,as a very bad creature like bacteria...
k now.
my head still alright after studying microbiology..tomorrow will memorize all those physical chem's formulas.yeay~
quote from rafa
nice quote here..
The ball is like a rabbit - and it is difficult to catch a rabbit.-Rafa Benitez
pretty much true tho.
and this thing is just toooooo cute..hahaha...
fergie and sam allardyce have to blush wit me now,tho in a different reason..haha..
"Xabi Alonso and Emiliano Insua were standing over a free-kick and I was shouting orders to them in Spanish," Benitez told the Daily Mail.
"I kept saying, "Play it short" because I thought there could be a surprise element. But Xabi just whipped it straight into the area and when Fernando Torres headed it in, he turned round and gave me a big grin.
"I had to laugh and I just made a sign to say, 'OK, don't listen to me'."
-Rafa Benitez explained gestures row
big grin~~~~~~~!!!!
and some people even mad about it.haha...how cool rafa is in making some riddiculous thing like this to be a cute + funny joke..haha...
again,shave xabi shave~~
nice score.
but why the hell i feel frustrated?...i should be happy...but really tho,i'm worried if the team are too complacent with themselves....
but never mind.
shave xabi,shave~~~~
sorry i didn't watch the match,but can't do anything if both matches clashed with each other..aha~
k now.
25 April, 2009
the road home????
have you ever watched any dramas or movies...and when you are halfway through it,or maybe only 5 minutes,you feel like "this thing sucks"
have you?
so i watched this korean drama at kbs,The Road Home....i told aqilah that i wanna follow that drama cos the husband is really2 sweet and cute to his wife and all..and i think the drama is funny...
but heck~
i think the drama is becoming annoying...
- the husband is stupid.
- the mother is stupid.
- the son is stupid.
- the sister-in-law is irritating.
i respect traditional ways..but really tho,an elder is suppose to set an example for the young-ins...but the elders were like super irritating by not ever caring what the young people feel...
i realize that i'm blabbering...
thanks to anton van leeuwenhoek,louis pasteur,francesco redi,laranzo spanzallani and john tyndall and robert koch,you make my day.
ta then~
u mobile is shit
U Mobile.
i hate you.
i got free sim card from you.
and now you gave me bills.
i thought if i ignore you,you'll forget about me.
but nope,you continue to send bills,and now it reach to rm350++
shit really.
oh btw.
i tried to use it.but hell,the sim card is rosak.the phone can't even recognize it.
oh btw,i suddenly remember there was this time that your operator called me and said that my sim card is rosak....and you said you'll change it.
why i don't get a new sim card?
that's why i hate that 'U' sound...
24 April, 2009
random and extreme~
another random talk...
do you ever wonder...
that people say,'in life,you spend more time opening the fridge than the toilet's lid'...is it true?
my honest opinion.YES.
k now.
i have many things to say,but i found out all of them are extreme things that many people will be offended.and from my experience as a blogger,some people can't even accept an advice,what's more 'extreme words'....
whoa there,bra~
A US woman had a lucky escape when a burglar's bullet bounced off the metal underwire in her bra.
Police in the city of Detroit said one of three intruders fired a shot when the woman looked out of her window and saw them raiding the house next door.
The bullet smashed the window and hit her, but instead of causing serious injury - or worse - it was deflected off the wiring in her bra.
The unnamed 57-year-old woman was taken to hospital and released the same day.
"It did slow the bullet down," said a police spokesman. "She sustained injuries but they're not life-threatening."
Teenage gang
The woman, who lives on the west side of Detroit, had seen the youths breaking into the house next door while her neighbour was away.
Police believe one of the gang saw her looking out of the window and fired at her.
The suspects then drove away after the shooting.
Local police Sgt Eren Stephens Bell told the Detroit News: "We need to get some bulletproof vests made from that. It is some strong wire."
haha.wanna know where she bought that bra in case something like that happen to me too..haha..i'll also ask for KP's size...hahaha!
aqilah,you want one?haha
foreigner boyfriend...
if you have an 'omputih' as your boyfriend...where do you want to date him??
new york?los angelese?berlin?amsterdam?liverpool?london?
i'll choose KL as my date spot..why?..cos not many people can see a malay and a handsome omputih at KL rite?..why need to show off at europe or america if the men there looks just the same as your 'boyfriend'..huhu...
or maybe korea.
i'll make changmin jealous with my handsome 'foreigner' boyfriend....haha...
ta then!
23 April, 2009
classy kid!
this is class~!!
click the image above to see the real view..
the real link is here...but you have to be a registered member of LFC.tv's....so...i don't really support people that don't even support Liverpool to be a member of the Liverpool's official website..huhu...
make my day~~~~!
damn sleepy.
but nvm,already understand physical chem!yeay!just need to memorize the formula~~
ta then!
hanye bdak gemuk saje yg kecoh
dunno why i feel very sleepy today eventho i woke up at 12pm..
oh.i sent my physical chem's quiz~yeay!
thanks for the note,ainun~~~hopefully,i use it well..haha!
i dunno why Noi called me....Noi,why did you call me?
now my random rambling began~~~
do you know that during the Bush era,he told the CIA peeps to 'torture' people,especially to terrorists,so that those people can tell the truth?...torture is more like it tho if you think something like electric shock or something scarier than that just to find out the truth....but now,barrack obama 'killed' this kind of method and told CIA to stop this.nice~
oh.i ate crepe today.the one at shah alam mall.tasty~..tho easily satiated with it...haha~...
oh.my sis passed her jpj test~..haha..and she told the news to almost all the people that she knows...and my bro told her that she is 'kecoh~'...she had this conversation with my bro..something like this...
amin: ko ni kecoh sangat la.ko tau tak?budak gemuk je yg kecoh camni.
alisa: mana de!!!!
amin: cube ko tengok alia ngan kakak.dia ade kecoh2 cam ko tak?
hahahahaha...i think i'm a kecoh-kind of person..but still,that words from my brother are brilliant!!...haha!
and even my dad called me and asked this ...
ayah: alisa bitau kat sape lagi?
alia: haha.tataula.tp tadi dia mintak no. acu.maybe dia call acu kot.
ayah: so,sme orang tg malim dah taula ni?
alia: haha.ye kot.td amin kate kat dia yg bdak gemuk je yg kecoh2 cam dia.
ayah: HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH.amin kate camtu?bdak gemuk je?
alia: hahahah.camtu.
it was something like that.not exactly the same,but similar.and yes,my father really laugh that hard.haha.
that's all.
ta then!
22 April, 2009
Liverpool southeast tour
Summer tour timetable:
22nd July 2009
Thailand National Team v Liverpool Football Club
Rajamangala Stadium, Bangkok
8.00pm Kick Off (local time)
Bangkok is 6 hours ahead of UK
26th July 2009
Singapore National Team v Liverpool Football Club
National Stadium, Singapore
7.00pm Kick Off (local time)
Singapore is 7 hours ahead of UK
really tho.
it's nice to see that they choose Singapore and Thailand instead of Malaysia,cos really,we have to say that our football sucks,hard.
really tho.and Singapore and Thailand are the 2 top sides in southeast asia,and that's good...
but still.
22th July? 26th July?
the chances for me to go to Bangkok will be na-da cos the match will be on Wednesday...but the match at Singapore is on Sunday,tho i don't understand which local time they refer to,the UK or the Singapore time...so the possibility is higher,which is,below 25%.
i don't think amier want to go tho eventhough he said something like "Jom!aku no hal"
based on my experience of going out with that irresponsible man,he definitely change his mind and say "takleh la.aku takde duit.mak bapak aku cam tak bagi je." etc. etc. etc.
tho i dunno why i think aqilah will say yes if i ask her.haha.
and also,KP is definitely out if i ask her to join me...
and my father?
eventhough his house is in JB right now,it's still hard for me to ask for money for this match.
dunno if torres and xabi can join this tour cos they have confederation cup to play during the mid-season....
and you know,if they plan the bangkok match around the end of June,maybe i'll try to go.cos maybe i'll go to the DBSK's bangkok concert and after that,i'll watch the match.
sounds nice.
but do you think it's easy?
but still,lucky something like that doesn't happen.
ta then!
LIVERPOOL 4-4 arsenal
maybe it just my nature,my simple mind that always choose the simple choice.
day-study or night-study?
i'll choose day-study.why?cos night is for sleeping.
simple minded eh?
this is simple.
A or B?
A.cos my name is Alia.
and so,eventhough some people might say that Liverpool have a hard time to beat arsenal with that 4-4 draw,and also no chance to win the league after this,i still think that Liverpool will win the league.
bcos i'm just being positive.
and also bcos i know they can.you can't be so sure that man utd will win their remaining matches.if they win,maybe this is just not our season.but still,as long as we don't give up the league with the current position right now,we still have a chance to win the league.
nothing is impossible.
mathematically,we still have a chance to win it.
my mind is simple.i want to stay it that way.as long as i don't affect other people's lives,i'll have this positive mind.bcos i know what's the result of being positive.
lesson of the story: ignore those smses during the match,especially from amier.
21 April, 2009
sun is the dimmest
the sky is fantastic right now...
clear and blue,and the sun shining brightly.
but not as hot as last saturday tho..saturday was crazy..i was sweating even after my bath....
but still,the weather right now is great...
tho the sun in britain maybe has a problem..
The Sun is the dimmest it has been for nearly a century.
taken from this link:
'Quiet Sun' baffling astronomers
hrm.worrying really~
don't mind me.
tam tam tum.bunyi mercun.
no internet for me for the next 7 days.seriously.
roll the eyes,mate,cos alia is telling LIES!she'll definitely online,6hours from now.
oh.i drive my sis to school for the past few weeks.and i'm confident already~~~!yeay!..beat me that liyana!...
--> shame alia.you need to learn how to park if you really wanna have a complete 100% confident.tralala~~
i'll definitely call aqilah tomorrow to eat some secret recipe.muehe.
--> sorry.no credit.dun think i'll call her.shh.
i'm bored.
pam pam poom.bunyi fart?aha~my sis always fart before she sleep.
my sis is mad cos somebody said she's a wannabe.hahaha.i think she's annoying.she's 17 anyway.who said 17 is sweet17?..17 is more like pathetic-annoying-brat-being-17...
-->i said this bcos i was one.haha.
hahahahhahaha.chinggu ya~~~~
don't you think that SNSD made a bad job copying DBSK's hahaha song~?
--> sorry.i said this cos i want to say it.i haven't watch the vid of SNSD's hahaha song yet.haha.
my head is spinning again~~
i have to sleep cos i have to send my sis to school tomorrow.da~
hopefully,she pass her jpj test this wednesday,and she can go to school with the car..
--> use your own money to pay for the parking.later you know that the parking fee is expensive if you pay it daily.i'm waiting that day to come~~~
i need to ask some money from my father to let my sis buy some clothes.she really need some long sleeves.she wanted to borrow my blouse today,and i said no,and like usual,she'll say "aku takkan bagi ko pinjam baju aku lagi"...yeah rite.
oh people.grow up will you.you are being childish like you have the toughest time in the world.da~
--> what?problem with girlfriend or boyfriend?haha.wait until you know my problem.you'll be shocked,or maybe you just pretend "that just nothing~~~"...haha.pathetic~
i am a confuse person.i dunno what i want.i dunno what i like.i dunno what i should do.all i know,i'm a Liverpool fan.it's nice really.
erm.tomorrow will have Liverpool vs Arsenal...no adebayor and van persie and also almunia.Liverpool will have no gerrard...
OH OH!!xabi really need to shave and torres really need to be a bad boy.haha!..break a leg will you~~~!!!!!
ta then.
kani bye2!!
20 April, 2009
dream of physical chemistry
i was sleeping after reading some physical chem note...
note to self:never sleep after study.
i got a dream during the sleep(of course~~~~)
about how to sketch the vapour-composition graph.
that's why i don't like to study...i'll effect my daily activities.
if i already finish study physical chem today,i'll study organic chem after that.and i already know what kind of dream i'll have.
i don't really mind about going out,as long as it's not one utama or sunway pyramid or mid valley and no more than 2 hours.
ta then!
quarter study?
had a break from my study time...
couldn't really study 100% cos aiman is here..so things kinda messy for me...haha...
he took my eraser,and i have to search for it.
he took my ruler,and i have to search for it.
basically,those kind of things happen...
now he is watching Mr Bean,the cartoon..hoho..
need to eat badly now...too hungry...i can't study with hunger inside me...~~~
anyway,ta then!
Good Luck to the people that have finals today~
- 5 trophies eh,fergie??
xabi alonso,adidah interview~!
if you understand spaniard talked in english,you may understand this..
torres is the vainest person in the Liverpool team...hahahaha!!
with that pretty boy face,he will always be vain..!!
now i know why torres is not my no.1 man~~
xabi didn't even choose himself as the person who has the best car,best dance nor the mastermind in the team...
shave xabi,shave!!!
susan boyle!
and she's just incredibly great!
Susan Boyle - Singer - Britains Got Talent 2009
i couldn't embed the video tho...maybe cos it's copyrighted...but still..click the link above!!!!totally worth it~~~!!!!
that voice~~~~~and how could people compare her to adam lambert~~?da~
her voice is inspirational..it feels like you're watching forest gump-like movie..
people being cynical seeing an old woman like her,who said that she never been kissed before(she's a virgin then.GO YOU!)..and that voice of her is no.1 for me..~...nobody has that kind of voice in this era...cool!!!
even charice couldn't beat that..!
19 April, 2009
if you wanna catch up with your friends,better play facebook...
if you wanna catch up with your fav celebs,better play twitter...
shame,if xabi alonso play twitter,i definitely delete this blog and just play twitter and tell xabi what the hell i'm doing on this day and on that day.
oh.twitter is good eventhough i dunno how to use it..
Liverpoolfc.tv use it.twitter,that's it.
last time when i read the paper,i saw that demi moore and ashton kutcher save someone's life from twitter...
and i just read joel madden's twitter...(cos i read perez hilton's blog just now.i never know he's gay.he talked about ronaldo like he even know what is football in british~)..anyway,it was cute that a rockstar like him who has a child with nicole ritchie can be really sweet~...haha..and yeah,he plays twitter like crazy that even nicole ritchie said he plays twitter in his sleep...
that's all....
i don't think i'll play twitter tho.
oh btw,who is susan boyle?..i googled her and all i saw were an old woman who wants to sing.....and i even thought she's related with that slumdog millionaire director,danny boyle...i dunno how i know that~~
tup tap tup tap.
nk study.
why hate.
alia,tak study lagi?
mentang2 start 28hb...so ko hepi eh?...bagus la sgt..
i want to go out~~
i want to eat nasi pattaya and semangkuk tomyam..with fresh orange...and then eat okonomiyaki...and go jalan-jalan at shah alam mall...
that's what i want to do right now.
and another thing,i want to eat secret recipe~~~~~!!!
ainun!!!bake one for me!!!
erm...i want to eat eel!!!!!
and~~...also mee udang...and also char kuey teow...and also go to the gym...
heaven eh?
plenty things to do like finals never exist....~..da!
oh chelsea.
your ugly team win again.
i'm not an anti-chelsea.i respect someone like john terry and guus hiddink...tho i loathe drogba...
i hate man utd..why?bcos i hate them...it just naturally happen....
i hate everton...why?bcos i hate them...maybe bcos of rooney...or maybe bcos of david moyes..i just hate them...
arsenal?i wish them well...tho the players are awesome...but when it comes to the manager,i'll be like "what do you want, arsene wenger?"...i can understand why afiq doesn't support arsenal anymore...
that's all then.
i hate gattuso.why?i just hate him.
i totally love zidane.why?he is bloody great.
i totally love beckham.why?total passion in football.
i don't like posh beckham.why?cos i dunno why someone like her even exist.but still,she's david beckham's wife,so,give credit to her then.people said wife is the person that perfect the life.
i meant wife,not woman.
exam schedule.
i'm happy!
02.05.09-CHM207 (9AM-12PM)
03.05.09-MIC159 (9AM-11PM)
05.05.09-CHM138 (9AM-12PM)
07.05.09-BCM201 (9AM-12PM)
09.05.09-CTU151 (9AM-11PM)
10.05.09- BEL260 (9AM-12PM)
and lucky,no big gap between each paper cos i'll definitely study last minute if that happen.
and the gap between physical chem and organic chem really nice~..tho i'll have microbe after that..more reading then...
i'm happy that there are gaps between biochem and ctu151 cos both need reading~
and now.
i have to study!
mind games~
when rafa didn't celebrate,people say "rafa is angry.""rafa should celebrate more if his team score a goal"
when rafa smiled,which people think he was celebrating,tho actually,NOT,people said "disrespect and humiliation in football"
bodo punye orang.
cam tade keje lain tul.
but still,mind games are interesting.
i read liyana's blog..
then,her latest post is about freedom..and so i told her what is my freedom..
liyana's freedom is something complicated...i don't really understand her definition of freedom..
For me, freedom is where everything comes to an idle or sometimes, runs really slow.
that's her words of freedom.
trust liyana to say this kind of sentence...cos she's good in saying this stuff,until the ending become "i found out it was a dream"...yeah..she did that in her school's essay..
anyway..my definition of freedom..:
when i can do something without bothering other people,without the feeling of guilt,and just do it...yeah,that's freedom...something that you don't need to care...and also no responsibility..
if you say after spm is a freedom,i think not....
cos you have this feeling of "result~~result~~"
and when the result is out,it'll be like "masuk mane~~masuk mane~~"
sad really..
so...that's my definition of freedom..and so,i haven't reach my freedom yet.
but still,freedom,theoretically, is simple..
as long as you have fun,that means you're free.
but the world is harsh.
it's the fact:nothing is free.
ta then!
what about brian
What About Brian.
i should never watch it...
i should have google it when i nearly addicted to that show.
if i know that series only had 2 seasons,i will never ever watch it.
and just now,when i watched today's episode at star world,found out that was the last episode for Season 2,and what the heck,Season 3 will never exist.........
another heck,What About Brian was an old series..it was around 2007.....
ketinggalan zaman~
really dunno what to say..
ngantuk but x nak tido.hoho.
18 April, 2009
ok.i'm jealous.
asya and emi and ainun..
i'm jealous of you...you already done your matriks and pasum..and so,your days of torture already over...ah~...i want you three to suffer more..
but i'll pray that you all get good results for your degree...hopefully,you 3 won't be sent to some universities at terengganu or other far places...hehe~
piji(gorup rep.) was offered to go to terengganu after his foundation,but he chose to do diploma instead of degree....the choice of a brainiac...da~
nway...i just got back from batu pahat..met many relatives...tho it was somewhat upsetting that people care too much about my family's life instead of my late-grandma's life...
one word i want to tell you people who care too much about my family's matter..
i tried not to curse.but i really curse.swallow that F word then.
that's all.
i don't really have the mood to blog.
ban CHELSEA.done.
oh.before u read my blog thoroughly,go read the intro of my blog at the 'SIDEBAR' will you?
i don't mind if you want to brag about you little team,or talk some bad stuff about Liverpool..but sometimes,when things just too ridiculous or too over the top(which also meant disrespect~),i'll ban you....
and i already did.
shame.you did it when i'm in a bad mood.
and shame on me.i told the world that i want to mature about this Liverpool stuff,but when you disrespect the team,that's when the joke ends.
joke is joke.being funny is alright.
but to say some disrespectful words,i'll straight ban you.
so.that's all.
i don't really mind people reading this blog anonymously.that's why i don't have that traffic feed that most people use....blog is for everyone pleasure..brag and brag,but if disrespect happen,you're out.
ta then.
17 April, 2009
passed away,Tuk Mak.
after months on the bed,did nothing.looked up only to see the ceiling.to see the sides,it was too hard for her.weak arms,everything weak.
my grandmother passed away.
this morning.
sad.terribly sad.but i couldn't cry.maybe bcos God loves her more than us.maybe bcos she's bravely handle it,and it's time,so she let go.
i have no grandma anymore.
16 April, 2009
if people ask me what is Genius to me..
i'll say.
think outside the box. do something that people never expect. calm. counter attack neatly.
that's it.
i'll add more if i suddenly remember something.
if you're a Liverpool fan,you may think that i'm talking about Rafa Benitez.
which is a Yes.
i think he is a genius.
why?cos i really couldn't understand what he's thinking.he makes some weird decisions.some of them i hate,but most of them i praised.
and in the real life,i never meet someone that think outside the box + do something unexpected + calm + genius defending.
it'll be brilliant if i can meet someone like that.
maybe that's my wish if the question of 'who i'd like to meet' suddenly pop up.
i'll put that in myspace later.
ta then!
i watched Underworld:Rise of Lycan.
Lucian(the hero of the story) really hot~!!(long hair and hot body.don't even google for his real image cos he's not a hotty in real life~)
but from the movie,i found this one knowledge about the wonderful creature,that is,MALE.
man hate it when someone tell him,that the woman he loves-is someone bad,or do something bad,or anything that relate to that.
Xristo: With respect Lucian, I do not see the wisdom in waiting for her. She is not one of us.
Lucian: She is the one who set us free.
Xristo: But she is a vampire! If she has betrayed you, she could lead them to us!
Lucian: [Grabs Xristo by the throat] Death Dealers will undoubtedly be on the hunt. And they will eventually find us. But not by her doing. I trust Sonja with my life, and as long as I'm in command so will you.
[Releases his hold on Xristo and walks off]
Sabas: [Offscreen to Xristo] I told you not to say anything.
take that!
so.you girls out there,don't even try to talk bad stuff about the woman that your guyfriends like...
tho i did this once before,but that person just say "yeahhh???"
but that guy is not hot,so..dun mind about it...haha!
hot words from guys just happen in movies..not in real life~..
i don't hate man.i love man.this thing is just interesting.so,don't mind much about me.
but then.
i watched this movie.
Take an intimate look at college life in the gritty romantic comedy PiGS. Miles is smooth, smart and attractive - the definitive ladies' man. After returning from yet another successful conquest, Miles' best friend Cleaver has the idea for Miles to try and "complete" the entire alphabet prior to his graduation. Goaded on by his dorm mates, Miles accepts and the contest begins. The rules are simple: the rarer the first letter of the girl's last name, the higher the odds. Money and pride are on the line, and all is going according to plan, until Miles comes face-to-face with the captivating Gabrielle Xeropolos, aka: the "X". She's everything Miles has ever wanted in a girl. Now he's torn between his ever-growing feelings for Gabrielle, and his allegiance to his testosterone-filled dorm buddies. The ultimate question remains - are all guys PiGS?
let just say,when i watched this movie..i was like "gile sial laki ni"..then...in the middle was "sweet!!!!"....then in the end"padan muka~~~~~~"...
conclusion: watch it if you want.don't watch if you don't want.no benefit.haha!
kani bye2!
random random random
i love a day without class.
it means no class.
really tho.you can fall asleep anytime you want...hoho..and don't even need to care about the parking spots at uitm(eventho i'm not the one who drive,but i'm also the victim of aqilah's shriek)..
but still,the word study week is really a lowdown...you can't rest but concern about the exam..
really tho.this is just a random posting...
and later i want you to choose the kat-tun tshirt.k?
- currently listening to Hot Potato's rain tears
15 April, 2009
test and kawan abang.haha
got test this morning.
tough.i dunno that hybridization has a name....
i forgot how ionization works.
but whatever.
then suddenly,the lecturer said she'll give us a back-up test..for extra marks for the finals later...nice eh?another nice,she said it was an open book test.
madam lecturer:
this is an open book test.but you have to send it at 5pm....................
open test~~yeah rite.
the test consists of 7pages with 17Questions(not include the sub-questions)
and you know-la,chemistry~~...the questions are mostly weird...so...
we used almost 5hours just to finish the test.
nice eh?
and my brain still tired cos lack of sleep...
[reason:the proud match!]
and then.finally,we sent it!
oh.btw,my bro's friends were in my house when i was watching the match...and there this one guy who said "aku nak dua2 team kalah.camne eh?"
then i said....
"jangan tengok"
k then.
that's all...
so.everybody know the result.Liverpool drew with chelsea,4-4..and so,no semi final champs league cos the aggregate is 7-5 to ugly chelsea..
but still,it was a proud moment for me to see the lads work hard like that...torres was invisible..i dunno where he was..gerrard was absent,still injured..but the man that really caught my eyes from start to finish was xabi alonso.gosh,he was brilliant!....he just good!!...
i'm praying that he's going nowhere next season..he's such an important player to the club...really tho..
and another thing,after the match,want to know what happen to me?i cried.
how fanatic is that?
but the reason i cried is not because of the defeat..but because i was proud...and i'm still proud...u know,i'm very happy that i chose Liverpool as my favourite football club...there is no other club like Liverpool that can produce that kind of hardwork..chelsea was lucky to see that kind of performance from Liverpool...it was a proud moment..everybody worked hard...and the defeat felt like nothing...
it just nice to see that you still work hard eventhough people think the outcome will be something bad....
chelsea fans..pity i must say..to boo the hardworking Liverpool team...and they want to be the best fans in the world by doing something like that?...good luck then..no way you'll overtake us in that.....
and for the chelsea fan that always mocked me everytime chelsea beat Liverpool,i feel very happy that you even know this lowly blog...
come again and do your bad deeds then...
all and all.
i just want to say that i'm proud of Liverpool...
that's all.
ta then!
tagged by nadia
i got tagged by nadia(yes~you~!
1 - Open http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random
The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
(alternatively, if the first article you hit is short, hit Random Article two more times.)
2 - Open Open http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
3 - Open Open http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4 - Use photoshop/paint or similar to put it all together.
5 - Post it! and Flaunt it!
and the here it is.
the name of my band and also the cover album.
Tristesse Hivernale is a demo by black metal band Alcest, released in 2001 on Drakkar Productions. Unlike the following albums, this demo has a much rawer sound and harsh vocals. The music was recorded with Arguth and Hegnor in addition to Neige, both from Peste Noire, a band that Neige is also involved with. The demo was later re-released by Northern Silence Productions in August 2007 as a split release with another French black metal band, Angmar.
a black metal band????
cupcake as the cover???
go cupcake!
hopefully,'my band' here will change the genre from black metal to cute songs for kids.hehe.
k.wanna tag:
noi,salikin,alisa gile,nazneen,faidzal,anan,tiron,ayesha,adzrin tadika sayangku.
ta then!
- currently listening to Hot Potato's rain tears
- i used photobucket to edit the photo.ahah.cos i don't have adobe photoshop.da.miss that software.
14 April, 2009
i'm a positive person.
i know that by being positive,good things will happen.if doesn't happen?i can't do anything about it.i just have to continue believing. and in my mind,i know i have to keep believing.
once,i thought i couldn't score my organic test.
then,my organic test improve.and i suddenly know the why and the how.i know how organic chemistry works.i'm lucky that i still believe that i can do it.i'm happy about that.because i continue believing.
imagine if i give up on that day?
the day when i nearly give up all the things in the world cos many bad things happen to me.(and not just organic chemistry).but then i realize,must i give up cos of 'some small things'?
eventhough it's hard,but i have to continue.i'm still young.my future is bright.i only have to try hard,rite?i just can't give up like that?3 years are not that long.
so is Liverpool.
whatever happen.we just have to continue supporting them.3-1 down is really big.especially against Chelsea.but we once chased AC Milan from 3-0 down.it was a miracle.it was a mission impossible that accomplished.but for something like that to happen again,only a miracle.but to give up just like without trying?it's too bad.miracle can happen.and nothing is impossible.
to tell you the truth,i don't care about winning or losing later tonight.all i care is we have this belief that we can win.as long as that belief is there,it'll be good for our performance.we dunno what will happen,but we just have to keep believing.
Istanbul 2005.
Old Trafford.
Stamford Bridge.
takut is natural.huhu~
1234,I LOVE YOU~!
There’s only one way to say
Those three words
That’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you-Plain White Ts' 1234
tak mungkin aku nak cakap I LOVE YOU senang2 camtu.
wanna know some story?
a boy gives a girl this paper.
then bagi kat this girl.
then the girl will say "erm.nothing written here"
then the boy take the paper.
and write something on it.
he gives it to the girl.
(you can choose which one you want.the guy to stay there or the guy to go away.cos some girls think that the guy that'll stay when the girl read something romantic is hot and brave,but some people think that guy is just plain playboy.but if the guy suddenly go away,the girl will think that the guy is soo cute cos suddenly shy and all,but some girls will think that that kind of guy is just plain coward.told you already,girls are complicated creature.that's why i said man is the wonderful creature on earth.why?cos you just have to guess what they're thinking because girls just love to complicated things but the guys just hate that kind of complicated things.they love it simple.but not easy?maybe.i dunno)
back to the story.
he gives the paper back to the girl.
and for me,i want that guy to stay.
again.back to the story.
the guy gives the paper that he just wrote to the girl.
and then the girl read"i love you"
if that girl is me,i'll be like "hehe.hape main2 ni" cos it never happen to me,but still,if it really happen to me,i'll maybe accidentally say that.haha.cos really,something like is kinda funny when it really happen.why?cos only korean man will do that.i mean it.
if that really happen.
ta then!
3 lab reports finish.
k...today is a very tiring day for me........
i planned to not say 'haish' again...but today,i said the word about 20times....
blame the lab reports and that evil microbe's questions....mr o really want us to think deeply..microbiology is harder than add math....
k..this kind of question.
you have to take and isolate bacteria that come from a mud at a hot spring.how do you isolate the bacteria?
hints:take note that the hot spring is 65degrees celcius while the agar to isolate the bacteria will melt at 45degree celcius.
take that?
can you answer.hahaha~
so i answered the test,and said that we have to dry the mud.drying like in food preservation.in food preservation,they dry the food to prevent the bacteria from multiplying.but,drying will not kill the bacteria.but,after we dry the mud,we have to add some water for the bacteria to continue multiplying.
and that was my answer.
i dunno if it's correct or not,but i know my answer is better than aqilah's.
to aqilah,pentose?what the hell does that do to the bacteria???
and tomorrow,i'll have a repeat test.nice~.and after that,my life will be happier and free-er.
man.i finished 3 of the lab reports in 4hours.how nice~.non-stop.no wonder my head feels like it'll burst anytime from now.
have to study for basic chem.aigo~~..but nvm,just a few hours,and i'll be free.
the lab reports make me feel like a genius in physical chem already.hehe~
ta then!
13 April, 2009
crab and rambling
lab reports.
ampir siap.ampir2.moga2 lecturer tu trimer lagi.
madame lecturer...pls jangan balik kampung mane2 time study week ni k?
i bangge that my study week is 2 weeks and not 1 week like others.Alhamdulillah and muehehe~
found the intros,now the calculations.
i said no to my brother's offer of 'lets go to O.U'
heh.dun mind.another 4 weeks and i'll be free.
nvm.internet ade.
ketam menantiku.
kani byebye!
12 April, 2009
tak siap.ah~
the news about the SD card.
my father gave up straigt away when he saw the 'memory card corrupted' words.
i was like...-_-
so i have to use the 1gb memory card then.
don't mind then.i still can listen to music with that kind of memory.huhu.
and bcos i was too tired cos of walking at the pc fair just now,i couldn't finish my lab reports.
HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dunno what my future hold.
went to pc fair.
i was searching for my phone's memory card..
i was searching for a 4gb card..haha~
the SD people said that miniSD card does not exist anymore..
i was resisting myself for saying haish.
suddenly my father said this idea,
"amik microSD card,then taruk kat miniSD adapter,then boleh la gune"
then...saw someone that sells miniSD adapter,combined with microSD 4GB card..brilliant.
hopes up~!
then went home with glee of happiness...
put the memory card.
the phone said "memory card corrupted"
i was like o.O????????
so...i tried to put it at my brother's laptop that can read memory card.
then,found out,it was alright.no corrupt.but still,when i put it at my phone,still corrupted.
and so,like usual,i checked the internet,it said that nokia phone doesn't accept memory card with adapter..................
i was like....
i cursed and even haish.
tengokla nokia.aku try gak buat phone to accept memory card kecik ni.
hampeh tul.
lebih baik aku amik blackberry tu.
wanna do lab reports.
LIVERPOOL 4-0 Blackburn
torres' goal was brilliant!
xabi's pass for torres' 2nd goal was brilliant!
rafa smiled!!
agger's goal,another brilliance!
4-0.after the defeat.
and chelsea scored 4 goals too..but concede 3.hrm
and people said it's impossible for the opposition to score 3 goals at stamford bridge.
but still.never mind.
though should be more,but still,it was impressive.there was no gerrard,so things were alright.and ngog and elzhar were brilliant!
xabi alonso!
shave that beard will you?
ta then~!
11 April, 2009
random pictures.
i randomly chose some pictures that i have in my folder..
and some words i want to say for it.

someone that can give an aura of a fatherly figure like him.
steven gerrard,i wished i'm that baby.
but still,with my condition as a healthy person.i'm already happy for who i am.huhu.

air bandung.
bento box that filled with nuggets.
weird view.
but still,an animal is cute~

i'm waiting for his latest movie to be out.
crows zero 2.
this kind of face is really something.
2nd half start!
fullmetal alchemist brotherhood
flipped the channels after 12am last night..and flip,flip and flip.
and then saw The Nanny at hallmark.
then.The Nanny part1 end.
then.change the channel again.
i dunno why i chose the word flip,i just think it sounds like remote control.
saw fullmetal alchemist brotherhood at animax.
i know about the part2 of the anime from TheStar.i read it and i know it'll show on 10th april..but i never know about the time...so,when i accidentally saw it while i was switching the channel,ta-da..!..edward elric appeared!..and it was nice to see that they still joke about edward's height..huhu....
i only followed halfway of the anime of part 2 tho...and the manga?i stop reading it after i stop my kreko addiction...haha~...
another good thing.
my addiction to anime KEMBALI!
my use of bm is really bcoming worse.but whatever.language is only for communication anyway.haha!
oh.btw,the anime's opening song is bloody nice!Yui sang it.laugh away,is the name of the song..hoho...catchy~...i already put it in the blog's playlist.haha~
10 April, 2009
big city wonder.
just watched slumdog millionaire....
no.i didn't watch it at the cinema.sorry.too bz and no money cos i'm saving my money to buy this bag.
oh.the movie.
Slumdog Millionaire.nice!bloody nice movie!too many emotions in just 1 moment...a must watch!...
where did i watch it?...oh.i got it from my brother's computer.huhu.his computer got too many movies,and he recommended Jumper to me..
i know,i know.
Jumper is like 4 years ago rite?or maybe 2?
and maybe that's all i want to say...
i'm thinking to change this layout,but blogskins code kinda hating me rite now...no layout codes fit the blogger..da~~~~~~!...
something i want to say,just voicing out my opinion...it's about the altantuya's case...don't you think it's alright that the case end just like that?..i mean,those 2 people who killed that woman,yes,they should be sentenced to death cos THEY KILLED,but the reason they killed was because someone told them to...so,what happen to that someone?..no punishment?..harsh.
i'm just voicing out my opinion..i know many people wondering about this too..cos what motive that those people want to kill her anyway...
haish.a dangerous killer with power is freely walking in the society right now..
ta then.
btw,you should know more about our country,ok nazneen?