tagged by noi again..
1.do u think u'r hot?
yeah.haha.hot ka?
2.upload a favourite picture of you:

3.[Photo] give three reason why you like this picture?
why i love this pic?cos YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE.i signed it on a scum's banner.kelab shah alam had this huge banner of their so-called success,and many people signed it..and i also wanna be in the crowd,so i wrote this.nice eh?haha.
and don't mind about my face.just care about my writing.erm.1 reason is enough i think.do i need to say more?
4.when was the last time you eat pizza?
ah.forgot when but it was recently.i ordered dominos online and i ate it alone.hoho.
5.the last song you listen?
6.what are you doing now besides this?
listening to music
7.what name you prefer besides yours?
Alia Baik. Mrs Alonso.
8.people to tag:
2.tadika friend. XD
9.who is num one?
a blog friend.korean all the way.
10.num three is having relationship with?
ahaha.dia ingat aku tatau eh?
11.say something about num 5?
kazen yg terer bahasa melayu.blog nye membuatkan saya terer bhs melayu.
12.who is number 2?
kawan time tadika.whoa,we know each other for 15 years already~~!!
13.what do u think about num 4?
nice guy.always depress.haish.haha
that's all then.tata.
kim c saikou!
- currently listening to KAT-TUN's on my mind