A'kum n ello..
oh.i went to 4 houses today,and
THAT not include mine.
anyway, around 11am,i woke up.haha.cos
hafiz zulkifli, a friend of mine that i seldom contact in this past 2 years,cos him being a
chelsux (no kutuk intended

), told fatin aqilah to invite
friends to his open house,and he
specifically stated
my name.
so i was like "
selame 7 tahun aku kenal dia, tak penah sekali pun dia ajak datang umah"

i went to his open house with
fatin aqilah.
and oh.the open house started at 11am.
yes2. i woke up late. but fatin also the same(not really,she was helping her mother tho). and so we went to his house around 12.40pm. i had to remind fatin that hafiz,who is a male, has to go to the Friday's Prayer,so. we need to be early.
still,we were the LAST people at his house. hafiz not the best
guest treater tho. he had to use his mother to take care of us.haha
)then,we went home after all the males in that house went for the pray.
so,around 4pm,i went to Adam's house.
met some old classmates and some things that made me go

- who would have thought that afiq ersyad is there?
- and also sheena and fatin?
- and damn, hakim has a MUSCLE!
- i know how to pronouce Yves St Laurent. (courtesy to Nazneen)
- Shazizan is currently searching for a job; as a BUTLER.
oh.maybe that's all.
and then,we went to ah hin's house. nothing much happened here,except the part when we saw this
G-Dragon's heartbreaker mv.haha.
so i asked Nazneen(a nobody in this Kpop world unless i infect some of them to her) to listen to the song, and she said "
yeah,cam Flo Rida"
told ya. plagiarized or not,you just have to admit,it's similar.hoho.
and then,we went home. fatin aqilah couldn't drive to hani's house,you know, for the tahlil. so,i drove there,with nazneen accompany me.
so we arrived there,and i met hani.
she's better than before.no tears like yesterday. i talked to Im(realname: hiisma a.k.a hani's sis) and i asked her "
dapat tido tak?" cos really i worried about that.
then,she asked me back "
dulu alia leh tido tak?" i expected that question. so i answered "
alia dah lupe. time alia dulu, alia tak dapat cope sampai 3 tahun,kot"
meaning: when my mother passed away, i missed her for about 3 years, which also mean,my life was
very2 difficult at that time.
and she nodded.
but like usual,I, will be in my own world,with my senseless behaviour.
i talked,joked and talked and laughed. it's nice to see that hani joined in the fun,eventhough that time should be a sad moment.
BUT according to my experience, the way to overcome this sadness, you just have to do one thing, have FUN. bcos you have to remember anyway, GOD and the person that you loved
don't want you to be sad rite?so.
LAUGH.BE POSITIVE.hopefully,hani will be better day by day. they(her family) were smiling when they saw us. so i'm happy tho.
and seriously, if there's one thing that i love and learn about today is this one precious thing: when you see people smile and laugh, you know you're making a person's life 1second better than before.
ceh.ayat cam bagus gile cam kang ho dong's crappy talks.hoho.
ta then!
malas nak taruk gambar dari kamera sendiri.cis.