A'kum n ello...
i think i haven't blog about my life for awhile tho..ahah~..maybe cos nothing happened in my life nowadays...
nothing piss me off~
nothing to do~
only doing the usual thing.....
so..i'll tell you what happen yesterday...
at 4pm,me,my sis,my maid,mak cik azah,aiman and my sis's friend,hidayah,we went to zoo negara...
hahaha..yeah...the zoo...
we thought we want to go the safari night thingy...so we went there in the evening...when we arrived there,exactly 5pm,the guard there said the place already closed...imagined,travel with high hopes to see my sis's friends ie the monkeys,all you see is the stray cat and the pak guard...and so mak cik azah told the guard that we want to see the night safari...then he said that night safari already closed since raya...and so mak cik azah asked why they end it?(during that time,i was furious at the official zoo negara web cos didn't update their web...where is the profesionalism in this???)...and the guard said that when they had the night safari,the young-ins made their own love nest during the night safari...and because too many couple were doing it,they had to stop it by end the night safari...
youth~when the kiddies want to see the animal,the young people be the animal~
and i wonder,why the heck at the zoo??...to have the monkeys as the audience?...da~
and so we had to go somewhere....finally,we went to times square.....my mind was thinking about 'cheap cds~~'...and mak cik azah was only thinking about aiman's happiness,that is,to have fun at the cosmo park....(aha,i was the selfish one)...and when we arrived,after a terrible traffic jam to arrive(that's why i hate going out during weekend)....and so we arrived,and at the stairs before the entrance,have this group of school kids,smoked like they rule the world,and thinking that they are the coolest(another reason to hate weekend.this kind of kids are just too stupid and not knowing that they'll have nothing but shame to family by doing this kind of things.and let just say,they are being kampung instead of kl)....and when seeing them,my love towards mak cik azah increase more,cos mak cik azah asked those kids about what the hell they're doing there....and those kids,thinking that they are cool,(more like wrecked ____) replied proudly "kitorg form5"...hahaha...
baru abis spm,buat cam diri dapat masuk universiti..bengong~~
and after that,we had our prayers,and went to Johnny's....before that,we went to other restaurant...i saw Gasoline,that unique restaurant...and mak cik azah went to see the menu,and then she said she 'was-was'....so i said,ok~~~...and then went to Johnny's...at first,she nearly had the was-was,but finally she gave in,and so we ordered the '4 people set' tho that set is more like '6people set'.....the food were good,very2 delicious,but i think i was too full,it felt like eating is like torture instead of happiness...but in the end,it was brilliant.....a steamboat during a rainy season....nice~~

the Johnny's

u know them

the end will be like this

eventhough before that it was like this~
and this is why you have think twice about taking a baby to a steamboat placeand after that,we went to cosmo theme park...i was too dizzy and too full,no way i want to play the roller coaster with my stomach full...and so,the people who played were my sis and her friend...and also mak cik azah and aiman...both me and my maid waited them outside....
during the waiting,my maid and i wandered around times square like we have many money,(only the 5th floor only)...and lucky that dbsk shop is in the same floor,so i went there and saw that they have many new posters of mirotic...and so i bought the one that have the hot changmin in it...and went back to that cosmo park,cos really,i don't have any money after the constant 'alia, pinjam duit' from my siblings(amin=rm450,haikal=rm2,alisa=rm8)...da~...(and lucky that the poster only cost RM3 and shin chan RM4.80)....and while waiting,for around 30minutes,while reading shin chan,mak cik azah arrived,and i asked her some money to buy some cds....and she gave me RM20...
lucky shin chan is funny..
and changmin is hot~~so i went to the cd shop,and only hana kimi special made me happy,which only cost RM12.90...and so i bought that and gave mak cik azah the balance....
and when my sis finished her happy ride,we went home...
and we saw acu's car in front of our house..they didn't enter the house but my bro was talking to them...and sis immediately went out of the car and went to acu's car...and i joined them after that,and we asked her many things....ahah~...i asked acu about paypal and she said she didn't know much about it...and i asked her can we use paypal using CIMB account....and she wasn't sure but she'll tell me about it...and i asked her about visa debit card in CIMB and so on,and she said CIMB have it,and i was happy a lil bit...ahah~..cos if i use CIMB,things will be easier for me to go online shopping~~...hohoh...
and when she went home,my sis surfed the net,her friend tido,me watched hana kimi~~
which was bloody funny~!!!!!!!!!!!....watch it!!!!!!!!!....ahaha~...funny guys are just hot and stupid...ahaha~

and hana kimi is cheap~
and this morning,got a message from afiq,asking me about the Liverpool result....like always,he'll try to make me pissed off by saying 'Liverpool kalah ke smalam?'....da~.....and because i was in my sleepy mode,my reply to him was 'emo'(he said that)..ahah~...
anyway,good luck for your exam~
then now...
i'm doing nothing...tho mak cik azah told me that she'll take me to the salon to have my hair cut...and my sis told me to have a victoria beckham style....
har har..
and rite now,my cousin is excited that 50++ people watched her blog at the same time..haha...
k now...tata!
and i end this post with aiman's cute pic
hahahahahahahahha~!- currently listening to NEWS's summer time