27 January, 2007
10 things you dunno or maybe know about me...
keep the secret for hours and more..
if this iMac hang again...i gonna split it into two!!...haish...lucky my patience right now can be control...da~...i luv this computer very much,i really do...but the 128mb ram really have to increase!!!...if i change the memory to 512mb or 1GB...it'll be heaven...i can change the system from mac os 9.2 to mac os x....that'll be brilliant...i can even dowload songs and videos(any videos especially the o.c-i haven't watch the season3 yet)...and loaded as many manga that i want...really though...i really want to read manga 24/7...i don't care if it ecchi...:p
i was at school today eventhough it was saturday...did some decorating and painting for the class...got free foods from ckg sabarita cos i always talk about food...(i even took the curry puff home..hehe)...to be honest,i've done nothing...haha...i clean the window and even paint(just for awhile though cos a few drop of paints were on my face and also into my eyes-but luckily i'm a 4-eyed girl)...mostly i just sat on the desk and listen to the ipod...but later...there was this boy...came to our class...i dunno the reason he came to our class...but he suddenly said that aina did nothing for the class...i was surprise..but to make some confirmation if he chose the right aina or not...i look at his face a few times but his finger ponted at aina...so...i asked him,"aku?aku?aku ade buat pape tak?"...he just said,"ko ade gakla buat skit"...the whole class was bursting with voice that i've done nothing..i just laugh...haha...simpathy to aina that that boy didn't see her hardwork...haha...
in this few days...i was thinking..am i in love?....i dunno....i tried not to read any love stories right now cos i think it just pain me...stupid past crushes that made me feel like an idiot..hell to them....that's why when i told ppl...in this early age...it's better if u just use boys...cos it is just a waste of time to have that stupid love feeling in the early age...but u know me...i want a boyfriend?yup...but someone who really understand me...that's what i want..i told my friends about a 'guy' that i know...they met him right...my friends thought i'm into him...with all my blabbing about that guy...but nope,ppl...i dun think i like him..he is alright with many ppl adore him...but nope..don't want to fall to that guy...i just play around with him and wonder now,if that guy selfishly thinking i'm in love with him(i knew many guy-friends of mine who think i'm in love with him[but i'm not])....but that guy is a playboy anyway...play2 only...but now...i think maybe i like this one guy..-or maybe not...i just dunno...maybe i force myself to not think that i'm in love with him...or maybe not~...let the time flow anyway....if my palm is sweating,if my heart is doki doki,if my brain is crazy...maybe that's the answer: i'm in luv...haha....k,then...don't want to tell u more about that guy...i want to know how long can i keep this secret just to myself..huhu...ta!
26 January, 2007
What Type of Girlfriend I am?
Nur Alia, you're a Laidback Lover
Carefree and easy-going — that's your approach to love and life. Above all, you respect your boyfriend's beliefs, choices, and ideals, making you a trustworthy and supportive force in his decisions. Caring and thoughtful when it comes to your actions, you expect the same in return.
Even if you spend every waking moment together, you want to feel like you have freedom and room to breathe. For you, it's important that you maintain your individuality so that you can continue to bring something unique to the relationship. After all, you gotta be you.
25 January, 2007
a mood for me..!
the last few days were brilliant for me!...haha...maybe bcos i had too much laugh with my friends and also the teachers...with no hani n emi besides me(except after recess)...i was enjoying myself with the most gullible and whackiest friends in the world...haha...with najwa,aqilah n nazneen n also marjani n fatin aqilah to enjoy...it was kinda awesome to made stupid stuff with them...yesterday was stupid cos fatin was being crazy with all those rape stuff (we had to do some article about rape) and and today we(except fatin cos she was studying) played this game;it was something like 20 questions(nazneen told me it was something like that,i dunno what is 20 questions,i just know 50cent's 21questions only)...and najwa made 10 questions about nazneen that we have to answers...and believe me,if the questions are stupid..u'll also will receive the same stupid answers...haha...some few questions that i remember were 'is she a regular farter?', 'who is her crush in this class?', 'her favourite maggi flavor?', n some stuff that really personal(girl's thing..hehe)...regular farter?-haha..i answer yes for that...i know many ppl in the class farted cos that normal...but u won't smell any smelly things that consists of fart gases if ur class is near the boy's toilet...haha...believe me, my class always have the same 'beautiful-ugly' smell that nobody want to have for their deodorant.....~
tomorrow will have 'merentas desa'(marathon) at my school...i don't want to go but this is my last year anyway...it's better go than not go...every year...liyana always ask me to join that thing...and for once...i said no to her...haha...cos really though...i always got last place(i think so) cos i will have some injury in me like i twist my ankle,or i fell down,than there's a bruise..but this is last year,mate...so...better run in this school activity than doing the running for ur company in the future...
i currently read this book- queen of 2nd place by laura peyton roberts...honestly,after nicola and the viscount...i dun think i ever having fun reading a book that mainly talk about crazy towards boys...but this book...it just made blushing and giggling secretly...why?...cos the girl is very unlucky cos she always 2nd....and her life is really stupid but mainly fun...the guy that she head over heels with is kinda hot in some way but bcos she is the 2nd place,she alway be the greatest friend..and not the greatest girlfriend...kinda hard...but still...this girl really funny...haha....haven't finish that book yet...hope the ending really make me happy cos i really hate stupid ending...huhu...
tata for now...!
21 January, 2007
Liverpool 2 - 0 Chelsea
anyway....liverpool won against chelsea last night at anfield...hehe..i have something to bast about to ikram n liyana...i can imagine liyana's reaction 'la~~~'...but no sms from her though saying that the best team thingy etc...haha...but whatever...liverpool played well and chelsea played bad...kuyt and pennant made 2 awesome goals and that just brilliant...kinda feel sorry but happy to shevchenko that when he just got his feet on the pitch...the liverpool fans sang 'we''ve won it 5 times'...haha...liverpoon won the european champion league in 2005 after sheva didn't score that penalty...haha....jose didn't made some funny complaints...so...nothing funny after the match...tonight will have a match between arsenal n man utd...to be honest,i want a draw from both sides..so the both of them will only get 1 points...i don't want either of them to win..that's all.....
my sis got sick last night...i hate it when she sick..cos she will cry and annoy me all the time....it was like the sickness she got was a life n death sickness...that's why....and she will asked me why?why??why???....that made me annoyed...i want to b doctor...but not NOW!....da...she can be stupid sometimes....
went to school yesterday...doing some stuff for the class...but mostly hakim done all the cleaning...he clean the fans while i just made the name of the duty roster....not that beauty though...i don't have the creativity to do it....we didn't do the decorative thingy...cos that's the ajk keceriaan work....but none of them were there except sheena but later she went somewhere cos she said she came early but nobody there...haish..she should just leave some notes for us to do what or just she done it herself...haish...saw the blue house' cheerleader done some cheer...kinda TOO ___.....i told emi about it...but she said the green house more ___....what can we do anyway....the headmistress said yes to cheerleader!..da..~
this apple comp bcome more sucks n sucks....the low memory made me angry all the time...it always got hang n hang n hang...haish...n now even the disk aid in the computer can't repair it...haish...
that's all...tata!
Best Buddy!!
Nur Alia, you're a Best Buddy
Need help figuring out which shoes look cuter with which outfit? You're the girl to call. Friendships are top priority in your list of things to do — you check in regularly, hang out all the time, and you probably never get tired of your closest pals.
So when someone is heading to the hair salon for a big cut, you'll go and hold their hand. Heck, you'll even pitch in for the dull stuff — like scary appointments to get braces. No matter what you and your friends are up to, you're in it for the long haul. Your specialty is putting the needs of others over your own. Best part is, your friends make sure to do the same.
20 January, 2007
10 things I want to do after I finish school...
- Shopping!!..when my age increase,my money also increase..
- HOLIDAY!!..no school,so more time..hopefully outside malaysia
- Paintball~...i don't really like paintball..but it's better to try..
- LIVERPOOL!!!..go There and live there!..
- Learn how to cook...obviously,i have to..cos i'm sux in all the things that involve kitchen..
- bake cakes...(from above) except these...
- try to be friendly to the peeps in Myspace..hahahihihuhu
- more jdoramas!!!...japanese dramas are just good!
- driving license..i don't have the mood to drive rght now..but honestly,driving is really important if u want to be alone!
- upgrade my iMac...that's a must though...i luv my comp apple...eventhough the ram is just 128mb only..
oh!..i change the layout again..cos i really think that black n white layout bored me more...and i suppose this latest layout is cute...but maybe the font is a lil bit small...but i don't care..cute2!...like kuma!...huhu....just before,when i was tuition.they(ah hin,emi,mimi) sang that kuma's song...utada hikaru really good in making kiddies songs..huhu...but that's what profesional singers should be...i wonder what kiddies song that ct nur haliza can compose..but hope the song will be better that rasa sayang eh...haha....
the sink at my bathroom really 'tersumbat'...haish...i already use that diapharm(??) thingy,,,but still...the water didn't decrease...haish..i thought maybe the perangkap was full with hard materials or something...but nothing though..just some smelly things...really have to ask mak cik azah about it....
these past days were a bz week for me..a lil bit irritating but relief that i got axe from the school netball team...hani,emi n ainun got chosen...i don't really mind...but mentally, to be axe before u say quit really a shitty feeling...huhu....many homeworks...i think i don't understand really much about physics nowadays...the subject kinda easy but the explaination from the teacher really made me want to say,WHAT?...haish..met Dr. Fazley..that singer n also actor and also a motivator...ckg rosliyah really show her trueself...she took a picture of that singer using her handphone..haha....sorry to say this teacher,but it's better if she snap it when nobody was watching...but sadly,i saw it and i evn told about it...cover up!ppl see u!...huhu...
that's all then...have to go to school tomorrow eventho no school..cos the decoration thingy...n LIVERPOOL vs chelsea tomorrow..tata!
12 January, 2007
nag n advice
enough of this spm thingy..i really don't want to think about it...this week can be 1 of the 1st frustrating week in my life...bcos liverpool lose to arsenal 2 times in 1 week and even at anfield...da...but i dun really mind...i really have the faith on liverpool....when i watch the match...when the scoreline was 5-3...i was like we still can win it...but later..that arsenal player scored after a blunder by that liverpool defender...6-3 was terrible for me...at first..i switch off the tv...but later...i on it back cos i dunno why...ijust have the feeling the ending won't be too bad...really,it's not that bad when the you'll never walk alone song was sang by the supporters...u can just feel the aura...huhu..
i feel annoyed at farahin nowadays...she was being too annoying..n i dunno when will my patients will end...sometimes i think she is like sarjie...boast about themselves but not realize they're being annoying...i wonder when will this ppl realize...?...thinking that they know but they're not...haish2...k...that's all..
11 January, 2007
Celebrity Soulmate
Nur Alia, your celebrity soul mate is someone who's Cute
Your natural, no nonsense approach to life is like a breath of fresh air in the hoopla of Hollywood. A sweetheart like you would be best matched with a celeb who's as down-to-earth as you are. Someone who is cute and fun to be around is what it'll take to make your heart go pitter-patter. A cutie pie like Orlando Bloom is just what the love doctor ordered for you.
You and your perfect partner would have a blast on low-key dates away from all the glitz and glam of Tinseltown. What could be better than a quiet night at home with a movie, popcorn, and plenty of one-on-one time with your beloved? So, pop in a DVD and enjoy a cozy night with your celeb soul mate! And if your celeb soul mate can't make it, someone sweet is probably waiting to curl up with a cutie like you! So get out there and meet them!
believe me...i think not-celebrity is better...but someone like orlando bloom?...i'll think twice...huhu..
07 January, 2007
more n more...
this morning...liverpool lose to arsenal at the anfield fortress....i can control my frustration though..cos liverpool already won it last year...so..no harm done...and the liverpool fans in the stadium were loud and passionate..so...i'm proud to be liverpudlian..!!..huhu...i have to ask the founder if i can have a certificate for being a KOP..huhu..maybe i have to register to LSCM(Liverpool supporter club malaysia) so that later i can ask if i can have a certificate..hihi...
the school already started...and i still didn't finish the 1st chapter of biology form 4...huhu...
01 January, 2007
- straight As,no matter what...
- Biology A1..
- finish all homeworks
- rest 8 hours for no sleeping in class after this
- support LIVERPOOL all the way...
- buy new handphone..that sony ericsson..
- new earphones...
- LIVERPOOL banner..
hehe...nice2,alia liverpool...and also don't forget to buy that jdoramas that you want...huhu..
(i think they will be more throughout the year)
Hari Raya Aidiladha
before we went home...my uncle pull me quietly and gave me rm25 for each of us(siblings)...he already gave us duit raya...but maybe bcos of her sis passed away already,so he gave us...he also remind me something that i already forget...he said something like he promised me before that he will give me rm20 for each A i got from my PMR result...so..i will get RM140..huhu...more money..but i was kinda like 'whoa..that was too long ago'...so i said better RM10 than RM20...but he said he always give ppl RM20 for PMR...so..i said ok..but he said he'll give me later and also little by little...i don't mind about money that i already forget...so...i dun mind if he remember to give me later or not..but he told ME to remind him.....so...ok!ok!..
- i dunno how much duit raya i got cos i didn't count it esthusiastically..
- happy,happy!!!..liverpool won again!!
- n chelsea drew and arsenal lose,but scums won...
- i told my cousins and aunts and uncles that i will get min 11A and max 12A...haha..