A'kum & hello.
i haven't blog for a while.
yeah rite. A WHILE.
i have many things that i need to blog about. plenty of stuff. but the thing is,i ALMOST forgot what happened on those moments that i really wanna blog.
like that Malaysia vs Liverpool match. i still haven't blog about the match itself. i remember the score was 6-3 to my beloved Liverpool,but i couldn't remember who score the goals. i know N'gog (now ex-LFC player) scored 2 goals and that Charlie Adam (who now not really playing as well as i thought) scored a penalty after a dodgy stumble by Andy Carroll (who now can even pass a better ball than Adam), but i really couldn't remember what actually happened.
oh! i do remember that AsyaPrasanComel n SarahTidoPelik tweeted me that i was on tv.
n No. i didn't watch the replay of the match. thus, i never see ME on tv with a Kuyt placard courtesy of my dear cousin who was with me, IzzaSukaKuyt.
oh. other stuff that i still have to blog about is my meeting with Scent of a Woman stars, Kim Sun-A and Lee Dong Wook. the possibility that i'll blog about this will be really high because the fanmeeting was so dramatic; pre-fanmeet and during-fanmeet, all bcos of my BEL class, my broken tooth and those brilliant food by Mandarin Oriental Hotel.
i feel like a famous blogger, tho my blog followers are only 40 people and not hundreds or thousands like some people, but oh well. i have to continue blogging. it's the only thing that i will read when i have Alzheimer later.
i wonder if i have Alzheimer, will i remember that i still have a blog? if i don't, some of you people who knows me in real life have to remind me about this.
but i wonder if you people will also have Alzheimer if i also have it?
"curious,very curious" imagine Ollivanders the wandmaker in Harry Potter say this to you.
oh btw, i'm using my Android. a new phone, tho not as canggih as Galaxy Notes or iPad,but i'm in love with it. THANK YOU, AYAH!!!
and oh. i won't blog about my 22nd's Birthday. or maybe i will.
will i? time will tell.
oh well. bye now. thanks for reading. this post was intended to remind me to blog. thanks for reading it.

AliaBaik XD
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