30 April, 2011
26 April, 2011
[view] KPOP article
A'kum n ello.
i need to blog about this:

i have to agree with this title.
as i don't even want to read the article, i'll just say this: kpop fans are dangerous. cos i experienced that danger. i had a near-death experience because of it. i experienced stampede after the FT Island's fanmeeting. if i only care about snapping Won Bin's 'BCG' instead of my own, maybe i won't even have the chance to blog about this.
still, if you compare Malaysian fans and Korean fans in terms of strength, Korean fans will win. before the BEAST's showcase at KL Live, there were these 2 Korean fans who pushed me and my friends, and maybe some other fans. they did that with their own strength, and they did it fast, very very fast.
they're like these 2 football american players that have power and speed. someone like Shin in Eyeshield 21(2nd best sport manga after Slam Dunk). they're powerful.
Malaysian fans, however, are weak. they maybe can push other fans away. they maybe can create stampede. they maybe can sacrifice their sleep to que for Super Junior's concert ticket at 4am, but no, they are not that strong. those women that fight for empty spaces in the Lady's Coach at that KTM train are way stronger than Malaysian kpop fans. don't believe me? try it. those ladies won't give you any mercy.
BEWARE OF THEM? YES. but you don't need to make it seems like they are that dangerous.
the KPOP people maybe show their legs in those concerts, but they don't even show any cleavage! even the men didn't show their entire abs in that concert.
none of the Malaysian korean fans are even thinking about this!!! why you suddenly said this??? don't you even know that the Malaysian fans might do what you just said??? don't you know this maybe give an idea to those obsessed fans that they'll choose suicide if their idol died??
i'm not saying fans won't kill themselves because of this obsession. i know some would. Michael Jackson's fans kill themselves because that singer died. and i know some fans maybe will do that too, including the KPop fans.
but as a Malaysian kpop fans, i never ever saw this kind of idea appear in the Malaysian fans' mind. so please, your words might give an idea to people instead of making them be careful.
i thought reporters have to learn psychology, isn't it?
grow up,seriously. this suicide topic is taboo especially in this generation.
wow. you just found out about this??
let take this positively: parents know what to buy for their children after this. they can give their kpop-addict daughter a Super Junior's album that only cost RM65, they'll accept it greatly. no need to waste money on Blackberry or iPhone or iPad that'll cost more than RM2000++.
and oh, our country's relationship with South Korea will be better than before too.
we helped their economy, they can help our economy too.
and oh, at least the KPOP fans spend their money on CDs, DVDs, hoodies, instead of drugs, rite?
seriously reporters of Berita Mingguan, your view in this are embarrassing. your paper already made headline with that stupid caricature of Tsunami chased after Ultraman.
do you know what KPop fans did? we unite Bumiputeras and Non-Bumiputeras together: we love Kpop. we maybe spend our money on those expensive merchandise and tickets, but we ALWAYS have respect for each other.
our PM should be proud of our contribution to the nation.
night night~!
ps: if my opinion is not the same as you, you should just keep quiet about it. we need positivity, not some negativity.
i need to blog about this:

taken from NadiaSepet's blog.
too lazy to even upload it.
i don't even want to read that article.
the big titles are already enough for me.AWASI REMAJA FANATIK KPOP = BEWARE OF YOUNG KPOP FANATICS
as i don't even want to read the article, i'll just say this: kpop fans are dangerous. cos i experienced that danger. i had a near-death experience because of it. i experienced stampede after the FT Island's fanmeeting. if i only care about snapping Won Bin's 'BCG' instead of my own, maybe i won't even have the chance to blog about this.
the stampede happened during this time.
they're like these 2 football american players that have power and speed. someone like Shin in Eyeshield 21(2nd best sport manga after Slam Dunk). they're powerful.
Malaysian fans, however, are weak. they maybe can push other fans away. they maybe can create stampede. they maybe can sacrifice their sleep to que for Super Junior's concert ticket at 4am, but no, they are not that strong. those women that fight for empty spaces in the Lady's Coach at that KTM train are way stronger than Malaysian kpop fans. don't believe me? try it. those ladies won't give you any mercy.
BEWARE OF THEM? YES. but you don't need to make it seems like they are that dangerous.
the KPOP people maybe show their legs in those concerts, but they don't even show any cleavage! even the men didn't show their entire abs in that concert.
none of the Malaysian korean fans are even thinking about this!!! why you suddenly said this??? don't you even know that the Malaysian fans might do what you just said??? don't you know this maybe give an idea to those obsessed fans that they'll choose suicide if their idol died??
i'm not saying fans won't kill themselves because of this obsession. i know some would. Michael Jackson's fans kill themselves because that singer died. and i know some fans maybe will do that too, including the KPop fans.
but as a Malaysian kpop fans, i never ever saw this kind of idea appear in the Malaysian fans' mind. so please, your words might give an idea to people instead of making them be careful.
i thought reporters have to learn psychology, isn't it?
grow up,seriously. this suicide topic is taboo especially in this generation.
let take this positively: parents know what to buy for their children after this. they can give their kpop-addict daughter a Super Junior's album that only cost RM65, they'll accept it greatly. no need to waste money on Blackberry or iPhone or iPad that'll cost more than RM2000++.
and oh, our country's relationship with South Korea will be better than before too.
we helped their economy, they can help our economy too.
and oh, at least the KPOP fans spend their money on CDs, DVDs, hoodies, instead of drugs, rite?
seriously reporters of Berita Mingguan, your view in this are embarrassing. your paper already made headline with that stupid caricature of Tsunami chased after Ultraman.
do you know what KPop fans did? we unite Bumiputeras and Non-Bumiputeras together: we love Kpop. we maybe spend our money on those expensive merchandise and tickets, but we ALWAYS have respect for each other.
our PM should be proud of our contribution to the nation.
night night~!
ps: if my opinion is not the same as you, you should just keep quiet about it. we need positivity, not some negativity.
23 April, 2011
[review] Himitsu? not Himitsu anymore.
A'kum n ello.
i'm bored.
just as bored as the time when i started to do nothing during this holiday time.
nice eh?
anyway, since my practical ended,i kinda finished 2 dramas, Q10 and Athena:Goddess of War and also this one boring drama, Himitsu.
i like the actor. i like him when he was in Iryu. i like him when he was really serious.
but in this drama, he was a lil bit hot as an old guy at first, but then, it started to become annoying and slowly irritating. he had this most irritating face when he started to get mad.
maybe it's a good acting, but if the plot was better than his acting, maybe i might like that acting. but the plot was bad.
i hate the actress. ok,i'll be nice. i dislike her acting. she maybe did well by acting as a mother and daughter at the same time, but she was a little bit annoying. i think she can do better tho. maybe bcos of the plot.
the plot.
this drama has a very bad storyline. or maybe a bad dialogue? i'm not really sure.
or maybe the subtitles was bad. maybe the subber only translate it using Google translator, cos nobody say Pregnancy Test as Pregnancy Examination anyway.
i just checked Google translator. apparently, it's not Google's fault. it's the subber's fault. oh well. i don't want to blame the subber. they worked hard to sub this drama.
but still, the plot was messy. and seriously, what's the real motive of this drama? to investigate the driver's life? it's not even their business. they should not put the driver's life as their main point of the drama.
i mean, a bus full of passengers fell into this cliff. and the passengers all died, including the driver. and suddenly, people want to know about the driver's life.
seriously? driver's life. the driver is not even alive! what can you do about it?
and then, they found the driver's past. he had a wife and a stepdaughter. apparently, he was a nice husband and father.
and then, they found out he always transfer some money to this one woman account,every month. apparently, he worked as a bus driver, more time than usual (overtime). so he got tired.
thus, the reason of the accident was found. the driver was tired. he lose control of the bus. the bus went into the cliff.
and oh, that woman that got the driver's money? apparently that driver had another stepson that he thought was his son, but not.
and another thing, you can actually know the reason of the accident when the bus fell into the cliff. it was too obvious that the bus driver was tired. he yawned before he drove the bus.
seriously? i don't even know why i even finished this drama. i didn't even finished that Mary Stays All Night drama, and i already deleted it! why didn't i do the same thing toward this drama??
sometimes, i can be too nice but too stupid at the same time.
ps: i don't even know why i blogged about this drama. i just think it's worth a mention.
i'm bored.
just as bored as the time when i started to do nothing during this holiday time.
nice eh?
anyway, since my practical ended,i kinda finished 2 dramas, Q10 and Athena:Goddess of War and also this one boring drama, Himitsu.
Naoko and Monami, mother and daughter, are in a bus accident. Naoko dies, but her spirit ends up inhabiting Monami's body. She then returns home to Heisuke, dad, and they try to figure out how to live their lives. Additionally, there is some suspicion surrounding the cause of the accident, which Heisuke investigates.
i like the actor. i like him when he was in Iryu. i like him when he was really serious.
but in this drama, he was a lil bit hot as an old guy at first, but then, it started to become annoying and slowly irritating. he had this most irritating face when he started to get mad.
maybe it's a good acting, but if the plot was better than his acting, maybe i might like that acting. but the plot was bad.
i hate the actress. ok,i'll be nice. i dislike her acting. she maybe did well by acting as a mother and daughter at the same time, but she was a little bit annoying. i think she can do better tho. maybe bcos of the plot.
the plot.
this drama has a very bad storyline. or maybe a bad dialogue? i'm not really sure.
or maybe the subtitles was bad. maybe the subber only translate it using Google translator, cos nobody say Pregnancy Test as Pregnancy Examination anyway.
i just checked Google translator. apparently, it's not Google's fault. it's the subber's fault. oh well. i don't want to blame the subber. they worked hard to sub this drama.
but still, the plot was messy. and seriously, what's the real motive of this drama? to investigate the driver's life? it's not even their business. they should not put the driver's life as their main point of the drama.
i mean, a bus full of passengers fell into this cliff. and the passengers all died, including the driver. and suddenly, people want to know about the driver's life.
seriously? driver's life. the driver is not even alive! what can you do about it?
and then, they found the driver's past. he had a wife and a stepdaughter. apparently, he was a nice husband and father.
and then, they found out he always transfer some money to this one woman account,every month. apparently, he worked as a bus driver, more time than usual (overtime). so he got tired.
thus, the reason of the accident was found. the driver was tired. he lose control of the bus. the bus went into the cliff.
and oh, that woman that got the driver's money? apparently that driver had another stepson that he thought was his son, but not.
and another thing, you can actually know the reason of the accident when the bus fell into the cliff. it was too obvious that the bus driver was tired. he yawned before he drove the bus.
seriously? i don't even know why i even finished this drama. i didn't even finished that Mary Stays All Night drama, and i already deleted it! why didn't i do the same thing toward this drama??
sometimes, i can be too nice but too stupid at the same time.
ps: i don't even know why i blogged about this drama. i just think it's worth a mention.
20 April, 2011
seoul garden,chicken,birthday gifts,pajijin
A'kum n hello..
what happened on 12th March 2011?
THESE happened:
what happened on 12th March 2011?
THESE happened:
- AliaLiverpool being a klutz. NadiaSepet asked me out for a
datehang-out at Seoul Garden. n all this time i thought she referred to the Seoul Garden at One Utama, but nope, she was referring to the one at Plaza Pantai. - NadiaSepet being a klutz. She asked me the closing time for Seoul Garden. i told her "Night time". she still google-d for the closing time at her blackberry. suddenly,she giggled and said "Opening hours at Seoul Garden Plaza Pantai is 12pm-3pm and 6.30pm-10.30pm".at that time, it was 2pm. and we still at NadiaSepet's house,still have to pick up AqilahPrasanCute,still have to pick up AsyaPrasanComel, still have to go to Plaza Pantai. impossible~
the KLUTZ of the day.
- NadiaSepet being guilty for klutziness. she non-stop talking about "i'll pay for anything~~~~"
- AqilahPrasanCute being a confused person. all because i invited her 1 hour before the actual time.
- NadiaSepet was full of anxiety. all bcos she had not told AsyaPrasanCute,who was waiting at Mid Valley and also need to go back to UPM after the hang out about eating at Seoul Garden at One Utama. (oh well,she went home instead of UPM tho)
- AliaLiverpool being a forgetful blogger. she forgot to state that; instead of the Seoul Garden at Plaza Pantai, we'll go to the one at One Utama.
- NadiaSepet being a klutz. She told AsyaPrasanComel to wait at South Court. she confidently told me to drive into the taxi stand at this one court that she 100% sure is the South Court. Embarrasingly, it was the North Court.
- AliaLiverpool being a clumsy driver. never hold your mobile during driving. or else your car will hit a big plastic vase instead.
- AsyaPrasanComel being a proud shy girl. she talked less when she was in the car. she admit with pride that she is a very shy girl. nobody in the car believed her.
- NadiaSepet being a major klutz. she told us to park the car at this empty car-park in a place that has "WORK IN PROGRESS" sign. she was too embarrassed when she realize about the sign.
- AliaLiverpool being a shoes-conscious girl. she hates her ugly working shoes.
- AliaLiverpool, NadiaSepet, AqilahPrasanComel n AsyaPrasanCute were starving. they immediately search for Seoul Garden.
- AsyaPrasanComel as a chicken lover. she was very focus is cooking her chicken. the amount of chicken that she was focusing to: 1.
- AsyaPrasanComel is AqilahPrasanCute's twin personality. they both scared of cockroaches n hate to eat crabs. their reasons are the same.(cockroaches move too fast. crabs are hard to eat)
- The Seoul Garden's waiter was a nice guy. he changed our cooking-pan(?) with a new one.
- AsyaPrasanComel is very focus woman. she still focused on her chicken.
- The girls are very nice Muslims. we went to pray.
- The girls are very bad twitter friends. we talked bad stuff about EzharSukeKpop.
- AliaLiverpool is a b2uty. she snapped a picture with BEAST.
- AqilahPrasanCute is such a nice friend.she told me to check the Keep Your Head Down album price so that she can give it on my birthday.however,the price is RM90.
Alia:Keep Your Head Down album please?
Aqilah: for you i will.
Alia: HAHAHAHHA (not out loud)
- AliaLiverpool is a very eager birthday girl (at that time). she told AsyaPrasanCute that she could give Cinnabons for the birthday girl.
- AsyaPrasanComel is a very2 nice person. she bought 2 Cinnabons for as birthday gift.
- AliaLiverpool is greedy. She saw a Famous Amos booth. she told NadiaSepet that she wants Famous Amos as her birthday gift from her.
- NadiaSepet is a nice girl. she bought 100gm of Chocolate Chips+Macadamia nuts cookies for that nice AliaLiverpool.
- AliaLiverpool is excited. she bragged to AqilahPrasanCute that she got Cinnabons and Famous Amos.
- AliaLiverpool,NadiaSepet,AqilahPrasanCute and AsyaPrasanComel went home.
- END.
that's all.
and oh.
that day also was the birth of Pajinji Pajinji.
ps: pity that no picture of AsyaPrasanComel from that day. shhhh.
hang out,
seoul garden
15 April, 2011
Athena:Goddess of War
A'kum n ello..
ever heard of Athena?
not this one.no~~~
ever heard of Athena?
not this one.no~~~
this is Athena from that Disney movie Hercules.
mind you,i never watch the whole movie~!
i'm referring to the Korean drama, Athena:Goddess of War.
this one:
after months of being stationary in the external, i finally finish this drama.
seriously, say it.
the reason i'm blogging about this drama is because of plenty of reasons.
the fact that this drama showed Jung Woo Sung and Cha Seung Won's abs are not the only stuff that makes me say wow about this drama.and let just say, their abs are wow. seriously. like "whoa yeah.abs!!!KYA~~~~!!!"
apparently, i already deleted the drama, so i couldn't put any snapshot of their abs in this post.
or maybe blogger had one of them (from my previous post)...........
and by the way, i just dramawiki-ed Cha Seung Won's info, and whoa, he looks so...different,real life and Athena-life. in that drama, he look like this(left), and in other life, he look like THAT(right):
massive difference~~!
funny that the mustache makes him sexier~
there also the fact that Siwon in it. but i think his acting need to be better tho. he was hot in that drama. but sometimes, the script was a lil bit awkward, it made his acting weird.
oh.the women in it are hot and sexy. Soo Ae was in it and i always saw her in traditional dramas than modern ones, so it was kinda weird for me to see her like that. her fighting scene seems very natural. and oh, Lee Ji Ah was good too. she was really pretty~~~~~~!!
but the thing is, none of these women's characters can beat Kim Sun Hwa (Kim So Yun's character in IRIS 2). she made some appearances in the drama. and i bet they'll show more about her later in IRIS 2. and i think she'll be the bad person in it. like YEAY!!!!!!
she appeared in Athena, but not as hot as this.
the fighting scenes in this drama was brilliant!! shame the ending was bad. i mean, come on, really??
she did that, and she wasn't ____? she ____ ,obviously she suppose to be _____ !!!
now i'm getting bored thinking about the drama. so i'll wrap it up and said this last few words...
one word only required: CHANGMIN!
Changmin was in that drama,starting from episode 16 till 20. and i don't think his appearance was even necessary. i think they only used him to increase the rating and also to promote TVXQ's keep your head down album. and damn, i hate his hair. if they styled the hair like the one in Before U Go mv maybe would be better.
i think some of the extras in this drama are SM trainees tho. you can even see a bad guy with a pretty face, and you obviously can guess the company that he's in.
oh well.
so i finished the drama. and i'm going to finish some Japanese dramas that i still haven't finish yet.haha.
tata then~!
14 April, 2011
13 April, 2011
A'kum n ello.
heheheh.new layout.
which also means new man.
i am back to my most favourite man of all.
oh. i'm sorry dad. your face is not that attractive (no offense~).
oh. sorry xabi alonso. you divorced me.
oh. sorry. not you~
anyway, bye2 Miura Haruma. you were brilliant when you become my header. your contribution to this blog really helped me improve as a blogger with your wonderful piercing eyes whenever people came to my blog. BUT you end up acting with Toda Erika, and you suddenly makes me jealous by doing that, so i'm back to my main man. HAHAH and dot.
and with this new header and layout, comes great responsibility. so now, i'm back as a part-time blogger. i'll blog about those pending posts after my lunch.or maybe my dinner. or maybe after i watch some bits of Dream High.or maybe not today).
thanks for reading.
Alia Liverpool da blogger is back,yo~!
ps: i really forgot where i got the image for that header. maybe i took it from sharingyoochun. anyway, inform me please. ok?
x-ps: that image header is not mine.
xx-ps: i edit the picture using BeFunky
heheheh.new layout.
which also means new man.
i am back to my most favourite man of all.
oh. i'm sorry dad. your face is not that attractive (no offense~).
oh. sorry xabi alonso. you divorced me.
oh. sorry. not you~
i know you when i was 17. and i had my 1st love at first sight after that. i will continue loving you until you suddenly tell the world that you're in love with some other woman that is not Nur Alia Othman, which, by that time, i maybe will start to like other man that is more good looking than you (ehem ehem. wait for me,ok Miura-chan?).
anyway, bye2 Miura Haruma. you were brilliant when you become my header. your contribution to this blog really helped me improve as a blogger with your wonderful piercing eyes whenever people came to my blog. BUT you end up acting with Toda Erika, and you suddenly makes me jealous by doing that, so i'm back to my main man. HAHAH and dot.
and with this new header and layout, comes great responsibility. so now, i'm back as a part-time blogger. i'll blog about those pending posts after my lunch.or maybe my dinner. or maybe after i watch some bits of Dream High.or maybe not today).
thanks for reading.
Alia Liverpool da blogger is back,yo~!
ps: i really forgot where i got the image for that header. maybe i took it from sharingyoochun. anyway, inform me please. ok?
x-ps: that image header is not mine.
xx-ps: i edit the picture using BeFunky
06 April, 2011
A'kum n ello..
no i'm not blogging about those posts that i should have posts.
it's almost 5am.
it's 5am.
i just don't want to sleep.
if i sleep after 4am, the possibility for me to not wake up for Subuh is like 85%. almost impossible.
Miezah is sleeping right now. she is staying at my house for, maybe, 2 days? not so sure. she said she wants to do the practical report and all. but man~ she has plenty of plans for hanging out.
what's new about ME?
apart from me not a practical student anymore, but a student that needs to send her report this Monday, my life is kind of great. i mean, if last time, i have to worry about plenty of things because of some not-confident choices, but this time, i am less anxious than the start of season.
- report almost done.
- MUET is next week.
- and i choose something that i really am confident of for my degree.
- and i'm listening to Taylor Swift and 2NE1.
better than the one at the start of the season when i have to:
- practical training???
- supplementary exam result???
- parking money???
- fuel????
- car????
- light brakes???
- my sister???
- top-up???
- LabLink????
- visiting lecturer???
yes, i worried,almost,about everything. i'm just that perfect.
so Miezah is here. obviously, we did some talking; bad stuff, good stuff, secrets and advice. the thing is, nothing productive from that talk.
by the way, KP is coming to Shah Alam to send her report. haha. and she said she can hang out with me and AqilahPrasanCute this weekend, which is brilliant, cos damn, i miss her! i want to see her big boobs!
sexual harassment. yes.
#nowplaying Take the dirty picture for me, take the dirty picture.
funny that the song suddenly played when i was talking about someone's boobs.
and oh, i believe that Anwar Ibrahim is not in that video. dot. even though i didn't watch that porn video. it just that, i don't watch black and white porn. i watched good porn. not some corrupt one.
(1 hour to go for Subuh.)
hrm hrm.
i really don't know what to do right now.
my mind just can't do anymore thinking right now. blogging are the only way for me to express whatever i have in mind right now.
apparently, i have nothing in my mind right now. lor.
#nowplaying baby lets take it slow........
ok tata.
i'll do some Domoto Kyoudai survey. hohohohohoho.
ta then!
02 April, 2011
hey,i blog!
A'kum n ello.
haven't blog for awhile.sorry.
i think i said sorry plenty of times before this. i know i said i'll blog about all those stuff that i had attend or faced or participated or worked with, but things just not as free as i thought it would be.
the thing that i should blog:
haven't blog for awhile.sorry.
i think i said sorry plenty of times before this. i know i said i'll blog about all those stuff that i had attend or faced or participated or worked with, but things just not as free as i thought it would be.
the thing that i should blog:
- Digi KPOP Party. yes yes. LONG LONG TIME AGO. YENNADE~
- my Internship at KPJ Selangor. fyi, i already finished my practical few days ago.HAHAHAHA.n i didn't blog about the start of my practical. how 'practical' is that.
- Super Junior SS3. few weeks ago, and this is like a MUST-BLOG-POST.
- MyB2UTY's Kigwang's Birthday Party. the thing is, people are waiting for me to blog about this! i'm honoured! and pressured at the same time. but still, some people wish for me to blog it. aha.
- this outing with NadiaSepet, AqilahPrasanCute and AsyaPrasanComel. i was thinking of not blogging about any outing unless the outing is an interesting one. and THAT outing was like 1 of the most memorable one that i ever been to.haha.
- Family Day at Janda Baik with the KPJ Selangor's Lab Crew. i was planning to not blog about this. but you never know, maybe i suddenly have a nice feeling to blog about it. and yes, i had a Family Day.haha.
i'll try to blog about all this stuff before the end of April. i couldn't blog about it in this 2 weeks, mostly because of i have a report and MUET to prepare. so ...
wish me LUCK!!
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