A'kum n ello..
i know i should blog about it 2 weeks ago, but i was busy with Jewel In The Palace and also some depressing stuff. anyway, now i have the time, i'll blog about the Jay Park Fanmeeting. hoho.
btw, LONG POST AHEAD. like usual, i'll talk about it in detail, tho not include the name of the Jay Park's songs.
so it was Saturday. it was on the
4th of December. and fyi,
Kim Hyun Joong had a Face Shop showcase on the same day at Pavilion on that day. Aqilah and i planned to go to KHJ's showcase instead of Jay Park's fanmeeting cos we didn't really know much about Jay apart from his
abs and him being a 2
PM fallen leader and also that Nothing On You song that he copied(jk) from B.O.B, and other reason like
the price of the tickets. so we decided to go to KHJ's because it was cheap(supposed to be) than Jay's fanmeet.

but still, both me and Aqilah have a deep friendship with this weird girl named Haniyana Cullen.
she suddenly called me at 11am on Saturday(the day of the fanmeeting) and said "
ALIA!!!!!!!!LETS GO TO JAYBEOM'S FANMEETING!!!!!" (she sort of said like that.or maybe i exaggerated it a lil bit).
AliaBaik: EH???
HaniCullen: LETS GO!!!!!
AliaBaik: Money?
HaniCullen: TopUp!
AliaBaik: ok then.i'll call Aqilah.
so i called AqilahPrasanCute.
AliaBaik:Aqilah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Jay Park's fanmeeting,LETS!
AqilahPrasanCute: EH?????
AliaBaik: oh.i wanna borrow your money.
AqilahPrasanCute: ok then.
(ok.the conversations weren't like that.but you're not the one who blog about it)
oh btw, the fanmeeting scheduled to start at 2pm.
so we went there by Hani's car.oh,her sis drove the car btw.
so we went there and arrived at this hotel behind Times Square. i think the hotel is called Berjaya Hotel.maybe,i'm not sure.the venue of the fanmeet suppose to be at somewhere in Putrajaya.but they changed it at the last minute. i don't mind really about the last minute change of venue cos i was a last-minute audience.
and so we arrived at the hotel.
and when we arrived at the hall (of the fanmeeting), i saw
NadiaDarling and their friend that i know from twitter,
YayaZureen (hahahaha.twitter name!). HAHA.
funny that the one that saw me first was AsyaPrasanComel.haha.she saw me and i was surprised to see them, so i went straight to Asya and pushed away Nadia.HAHAHAHA.that was classic.
i pushed Nadia cos i never met Asya before and i got bored with Nadia.that's why.hahahahahaha.
and the ooh-wow-finally-see-AsyaPrasanComel-and-hello-yayazureeen, we went to search for the counter to buy the tickets.
oh.i forgot to say that we haven't bought the tickets(at that time) yet.
so we went to the counter.and bought the tickets. oh, we bought the cheapest ticket,the RM160 one. (i know,not cheap)
and then we saw many people inside this room. this one lady told us to que at that place according to our seating plan. i didn't see the trio of Sepet,PrasanComel and Yaya, so i went out from the room and search for them.
and whilst i was searching for them, i saw the 8tvNiteLive people, Mike and Baki. i ignored them and search for the trio.
i found them few seconds after that.
they were around Mike and Baki.
how nice.
Nadia saw me and asked me to take a picture of them with Mike and Baki. i said ok. but then, the duo of 8tv didn't really care much about us, so i told Nadia to take my camera and i went to Baki. Baki, at that time, was talking with some 8tv crew. i, being an excited fan that couldn't wait to see Jay's abs, interrupted Baki and asked him "
AWAK,AWAK.NAK TANGKAP GAMBAR NGAN AWAK (english:hello you. i wanna snap pic with you) and Baki was like "
ok ok!!" but then he called Mike and we snapped pictures together.HAHA.
this picture is like the theory of darwin: tall,taller,tallest.AHA.
and then, i snapped pictures for the trio with the duo. (checked their blogs to see the picture)
some incident:
i snapped their picture while my hands were holding Aqilah's heavy bag and the camera. and because of that bag, the camera was shaking. Baki thought i was nervous, so he said "
takyah nervous dik. JayPark ade kat dalam lagi" (english: [i'm too lazy to translate for you])
anyway, i waited outside the hall with the trio instead of waiting with HaniCullen and AqilahPrasanCute in that other room. i asked this one lady about the difference between waiting outside the hall and inside the room. she didn't even know about the other room,but she said the
people that wait outside the hall were for VIPs.
oh well. i still waited outside the hall.....
and oh, 8tvnitelive tweeted this picture:
i saw Mike snapped a picture of this using his iPhone
anyway, NadiaSepet asked me something while we waited outside the hall. she asked me if i want to win the Lucky Draw. and before i answered, people were screaming and shouting spazzingly cos they saw AOM.
i, being a non-fanatic of Jay Park, know AOM are Jay's dancing crew.but i didn't really know much about their faces and names. and so, i saw a group of people going to the other group whilst fans shouting their names excitedly, and i forgot about Nadia's question immediately after that.
anyway, they opened the hall's doors. the VIPs went in. after all the VIPs went in, 2 girls that have the RM480 tickets went in too. and then nobody went in. so i used that opportunity to enter the hall earlier than other people. reminder: my ticket was the cheapest ticket and my seat was free-seating.
anyway, the lady there let me in.HO HO.
i went in and searched for my seat. i didn't know where were my seats but i just sat somewhere around 3 seats at the back.
found out, that seat was for the RM200++ ticket. I KEPT QUIET about it.
and then, more people coming in. i saved some seats for AqilahPrasanCute and HaniCullen. i told them that our seats were NOT actually our seats. Hani kinda scared about my mischief.
and then, NadiaSepet, AsyaPrasanComel and YayaZureen came in. they searched for their seat. they couldn't find their seats and asked the lady there, and the lady there told them to seat in front of me.
i was like HAHAHAHAHAH but i pity them a bit.
i mean, my ticket is RM160 ticket. and their tickets were RM260. see the massive difference? so they kinda upset about it.
but then, the fanmeeting started.
and that's when you know the organizers for this meeting are bad.

JayPark entered the stage and sang Count On Me(Nothing On You). at that time, the fans at the back ran to the front to have a better view of Jay Park. all of them ignored the seating plans, and just went to the front. the trio were three of the fans that went to the front. AHA.
some fans even took the chairs to the front.haha. and bcos the chairs disappear, Aqilah and I kinda like dancing at that empty spaces.hahahaha. we didn't really went to the front but we were like shouting and screaming like we were Jay's number 1 fans.
blurry picture.i obviously know.
and then, the screen showed a mv of Demon, Jay's song that i don't even know it even existed. and the Jay appeared again, and he sang Demon.
as AqilahPrasanCute and I didn't know the song, we were like "Demon....De Demon.Demon Demon Demon" haha. it was quite awesome really. we were like in da club cos we were like,owning the floor (that bcos the chairs were gone cos the fans took it to the front).
anyway, i was a lil bit disappointed with the fans. most of them were too hung up with their cameras to snap photos of Jay that they didn't really care much about enjoying themselves. da. and then, i think there was another song. maybe. i'm not sure.
and then, the fanmeeting start. i mean, the 'Interaction With Fans' session.
a female host appeared. she was a pretty lady with some sexy stuff(mostly bcos i can see her cleavage and i really was quite far from the stage). she talked about some of the people that will performed such as Jay Park himself, AOM people and Dok2. fans were screaming when she mentioned Dok2. seriously, i don't even know him. oh well.
then Jay appeared. fans were shouting his name and there was this one fan who shouted "I LOVE YOU,JAY!" and Jay answered while looking at the floor "YEAH.ME TOO" haha. and then da host asked some questions which i didn't remember. and then they called AOM peeps to the stage.
the AOM peeps appeared and the host asked some stuff about Jay that the AOM peeps had to answer. the questions were something like Jay's embarrassing moments and his relationship status and is he a good friend or not. aha. i forgot his embarrassing moment tho.i think it was something that related to his pants. and he is currently single and he is the best friend a person wish for. those were the answers that AOM gave.
and then AOM left the stage. the host then said the Lucky Draw are starting. and i think she said something about being with woman or some sort like that. i'm not really sure. maybe she asked something like is there a woman that you like or something like that (seriously not remember) and HaniCullen was shouting "HERE HERE" (meaning: your woman is here~!) so it was funny really cos people were quiet at that time,waiting for Jay to answer, but Hani suddenly shouted THOSE WORDS so it was nice.haha.
and then, the fans session begin. they called the seat number of some lucky fans that were picked by Jay himself. the first fan got a picture drawn by Jay. and then another fan got to touch his nose(i think). some touched his elbows. and some even kissed his forehead.
yes. forehead. oh.yes,she KISSED.
anyway, you know all this were the lucky fans rite? apparently Yayazureen's number were called. but for some cute reasons, she didn't go on stage. apparently, when NadiaSepet asked me if i want to win the Lucky Draw, she was thinking of giving it me if one of them were chosen. oh ****, why must AOM appeared when she asked me THAT FATEFUL QUESTION???
anyway, fans session end. so the performance continue. Jay and AOM peeps appeared and they danced some brilliant break dancing. it was cool. i think my mouth were opened the whole time they breakdanced.haha.
and they were kpop stuff that they danced too. i only remember SECRET's Magic tho. aha.anyway, it was funny.haha.
and then, Dok2 appeared. he sang some hip hop song. obviously i didn't know what he was singing. but oh well, i sang the song with some made-up lyrics.hahaha. even Hani said i was perfect when singing that song.HAHA.
and then, Jay appeared. he sang with Dok2 and also with Cha Cha. and at that time, i went to NadiaSepet. i continued spazzing like a mad fangirl beside her. haha. and she said she was surprised to see me like that. hahahah. sorry dear,i'm not.
and then, he ended the show.
and i know there would be an encore.so i kinda waited for it.haha.
and oh,while waiting for Jay to appear for the encore, we saw Mike (da 8tv guy,again) sitting alone. he was yawning (BUSTED!!) and Hani tried to snap a picture of him, and he saw her. so he made a Peace sign, and as he was being cool about Hani took his picture, aqilah and i went to him and i sat beside him and took a picture together with him.haha. and then i said thanks to him and shook his hand and went to Hani and Hani said "GAMBAR KITE NGAN DIA TAKDE PUN!!" (meaning:how come there is no picture of me with him???) and when i said i'll take a picture of her with Mike, suddenly, Jay appeared again. and we forgot Mike after that and ran straight to the front.HAHAHA.
Jay was singing Nothing On You for the encore. he also sang You Got It Bad (Usher's) and he always showed us his abs. seriously tho, if i become the lucky fan, i'll ask for a special request. i'll ask for a "can i rip your shirt" request. srsly tho. his abs are AWESOME!
Hani got a good video of him showing his abs.but i couldn't contact Hani for now, so i didn't have the chance to ask for the video.
and then, the fanmeeting ended. THE END.
it was nice.brilliant even. have to say this is the 2nd best Korean stuff i ever been too.srsly.
anyway, cos Hani wanted to see Kim Hyun Joong so much, so we left the hall early. haha.
so we went and ran quickly to the lift. and when we reached the lift, we saw AOM.
no Jay but saw the whole members of AOM.hahahahaha.
all 6 of them, and i was frozen when i saw them eventhough i know nothing about them.HAHAHA.
and oh. Hani screamed when she saw them. she screamed like she owned that place. she was AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA when she saw AOM. i was surprised to see her screamed. the AOM peeps were even more surprised.
Hani told me to take a picture of them but they shook their head cos they need to enter the lift. oh, they were ALONE at that time, and only us 3 (AliaBaik, HaniCullen,AqilahPrasanCute) were there. see how lucky we were?
anyway, Hani asked if they want to go down, and they nodded. and i was like looking at them with a blank face cos i really didn't know what to do. and then the lift door opened, and whilst they were entering the lift, 2 women appeared and said we can't take pictures with them. i told her we're not. and then one of the AOM peeps was entering the lift and the lift door was closing and he kinda stuck to that door. haha. and oh,Hani screamed again when he got stuck.HAHAHAHA. and the AOM peeps laughed. and the woman there was like "wow,very protective of you" to Hani and i was laughing and said "YES,SHE'S LIKE THAT" and so AOM were gone, and we were waiting for our lift with some excited feeling. Aqilah said i shouldn't be the one who went excited about it cos i didn't know about them, but whatever, i saw them.hahaha.
oh. the AOM peeps lied. they were going upstairs instead of downstairs.haha.
and then we went to Kim Hyun Joong's showcase and that will be in the next post.haha.
anyway, the fanmeeting was brilliant. it was awesome. APR maybe bad about being the organizer, but we were quite happy about it cos with their bad management, maybe we won't have the experience like a VIP. so, thanks APR.
and oh, if there is a showcase and a fanmeeting on the same day, please choose fanmeeting. way better.
so, thanks for reading.huhu.
next time, let your upper-half naked.