tomorrow will be a lil bit bz cos me n my sis will join my cousins to the cinema tomorrow...wanna watch that malay movie CINTA...kinda to watch eventhough it's a malay movie..huhu...wanna watch the love between the orang tua(s)...huhu...n also bz cos i will pack for my holiday to sabah this friday..i'll be in sabah for 7days with mak cik azah,my sis n nani...maybe we will go to this island in sabah..i think it called pulau gaya...and Insyaallah we will climb the mount kinabalu..huhu...maybe we'll meet the liverpool legends..!!..huhu..
last saturday..when i was watching the liverpool vs man city dad told me that whatever happen...i MUST go to university..whoa!...i will!...then he suddenly said...if he had money,he will buy a house in meaning than holiday or moving,it also mean i have to choose a university in Australia...da!!!..i want LIVERPOOL!!..i told my dad about study at liverpool..also put a reason that the university is famous of it medical studies..but he said the weather there is very bad(other meaning:teruk)...da....but whatever..already told about my 'partner in crime' about this...(that's hani btw)...and she said..(she asked before what he meant by 'teruk'.i told her it mean too cold;liverpool is in northern britain anyway)....and she just said"sejuk ok la tuh"...haha...i think she really want an air-cond for her room..huhu...bye then!
- liverpool vs portsmouth at 4am this thursday...(not in tv)
- wanna borrow some story books to read when fly to sabah
- really,really want to borrow emi's bro's ipod charger...PLS!!..
- still haven't buy that det. conan real life cd...